Our Partners

Park City High School
As Team Physician, Dr. Eric Heiden attends all home and away football games. He treats injured players and is dedicated to fostering health and wellbeing in young athletes. More information about the Park City High School can be found here.

USA Cycling
Dr. Eric Heiden has a longstanding relationship with the USA Cycling organization through his history in professional cycling and his continued passion for the sport. Dr. Heiden is an avid cyclist. For more information about USA Cycling click here.

US Speedskating
As the official Team Physician to the US Speed Skating team, Dr.Eric Heiden has attended the following Winter Olympic Games: Sochi 2014, Vancouver 2010 and Torino 2006. Heiden continues his work with the team as a consultant and coordinator of physician coverage. He is a strong supporter of the Olympic Movement which operates with the mission to build a more peaceful world by educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind.
More information about the US Speed Skating team can be found here.

CCC Team
Dr. Eric Heiden shares his role as Official Team Physician for the CCC Racing Team with Dr. Max Testa. Together they oversee all team cycling events throughout North America. Dr. Heiden regularly sees and treats many of the Cyclists in his local clinic. Click here for more information about CCC Team.

Play Well-Play Safe Foundation
Founded by Olympic Gold Medalist Eric Heiden the Play Well-Play Safe Foundation is based in Park City, Utah. It is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to fostering health and wellness through athletics and sports. The focus of the Foundation is to assist the community through education, sponsorship and assessments and research.
The Foundation is pleased to host both education and fundraising events throughout the year.