What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Do After ACL and MCL Tears and Surgery

Whether you injured your knee on the slopes, in the gym, on the field or from a slip and fall, getting back to 100% after knee surgery can feel like an uphill battle.

More often than not, that’s because it is.

Rehabilitating from ACL or MCL surgery is a long process – and that process begins the moment you awake from anesthesia.

ACL vs MCL Tears and Surgery

ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears and MCL (medial collateral ligament) tears are the two most common knee injuries in active adults. And while these two ligaments are involved in the majority of knee injuries, their function within the knee and corresponding treatment after injury aren’t as similar as you might think.

Torn ACL

The ACL stretches diagonally across the middle of the knee and helps with rotational stability, as well as controlling the back and forth motion of the knee. The MCL connects the femur (thighbone) to the tibia (shinbone) and helps stabilize and control the sideways movement of the knee.

Together, the ACL and MCL (along with the PCL and the LCL) are vital to knee stability and functionality. And while ACL tears and MCL tears can differ in severity and treatment, most tears will not heal on their own.

Torn MCL

Fortunately, most MCL tears, except for the most severe cases, can be effectively treated with physical therapy. MCL rehabilitation involves a comprehensive approach, including mobility and strengthening exercises. Although the recovery process can be lengthy, surgery is rarely necessary. In contrast, ACL tears present a different challenge altogether.

ACL Surgery: The Fastest (and Often Only) Way to Recover from an ACL Tear

Unlike recovery from a torn MCL – which can usually be rehabilitated back to health – recovery from an ACL tear almost always begins with surgery.

If you’re staring down the barrel of an ACL reconstruction – or just went through ACL surgery – you probably have a few questions…

  • How long does it take to recover from an ACL surgery?
  • What’s the fastest way to recover from ACL reconstruction?
  • What should I do after my ACL surgery?

(Learn what to expect during your ACL reconstruction.)

ACL Surgery Recovery Time

The first question has a simple but imprecise answer: it depends.

If your surgery went smoothly with no complications, and you strictly adhere to your orthopedic surgeon’s rehabilitation plan, you should expect at least six months for full recovery. However, in some cases, regaining 100% functionality may take up to two years. Your commitment to the prescribed rehabilitation is crucial for achieving the best outcome.

The Fastest ACL Post-Surgery Rehab Program

Step 1: Listen to your doctor.

Step 2: Listen to your physical therapist.

Step 3: Do exactly what they say to do, when they say to do it.

It’s honestly that simple. The most difficult thing about ACL rehabilitation is sticking to the program – whether that means pushing yourself past your comfort zone or reigning it in so as to not overdo it. Pushing the limits and staying within the rehabilitation lines differs from person to person and from day-to-day.

Remember, it’s an uphill battle… but it’s one you can win.

The Do’s and Don’ts After ACL Surgery

Do: Keep your knee straight!

Yes, this will not be comfortable, but it’s vital to keep the knee joint completely straight immediately after your ACL reconstruction. This gives the joint time to heal properly without stressing your newly-fixed ligament.

Don’t: Put weight on your new knee.

That’s right… a wheelchair and/or crutches are mandatory until your orthopedic surgeon says it’s okay to begin putting light pressure on your knee.

Do: Wear your knee brace!

It’s uncomfortable. And hot. And maybe a little itchy… but it will help protect and stabilize your knee while speeding up your recovery. Wear it everywhere, all the time.

Don’t: Walk, swim, cycle, bend and extend your knee, etc. until you’re cleared to do so.

You want to rehab your ACL. That’s great! Don’t push it. (See “The Fastest ACL Post-Surgery Rehab Program” above.)

Do: Physical therapy. All of it.

It will hurt. It will be boring at times. You will want to stop… Don’t. Your future knee will thank you.

Do: Go to your scheduled follow-ups with your knee surgeon.

The sooner he or she clears you, the sooner you get back to doing all of the things you love.

If you have more questions about your ACL, MCL or any other knee injury, feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to help.


My then 13 year old son had ACL replacement 8 months ago, he recently started training for soccer and his knee is fully functional. However, he’s out of commission for 2-3 days with pain after training. Question, how long before he doesn’t experience pain/discomfort after training sessions? and is the pain an indicator of the knee not being ready to perform? How does one determine when and if it is safe for him to play competitively?


    Hi Vivian,
    It’s normal for your son to experience some pain and discomfort up to a year after ACL surgery, especially when resuming high-intensity activities like soccer. Persistent pain after training suggests his knee might not be fully ready for competitive play and may require more gradual strengthening and conditioning. Regular follow-ups with the orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist are essential to monitor his progress and assess his readiness through functional tests. Gradually increasing training intensity and ensuring proper pain management can aid recovery. Clearance from specialists is crucial before returning to competitive soccer to ensure his knee is stable and strong enough for the demands of the sport.


I’m 52, normal activities, no sports, etc. I twisted my knee in Jan. Hurt a lot at first, but within a few days felt fine. During the next 4 weeks about once a week I twisted it wrong and felt a little pain again. Mid Jan it gave when walking down a flight of stairs. Hurt again big time, but by the next day again felt fine. Finally end of Feb I had X-ray and MRI. Results of MRI was complete full thickness rupture of ACL with bone contusion pattern also grade 2 tear at origin of MCL. Lateral meniscal contusion without tear. With that said, with the exception of if I accidentally twist it wrong, it doesn’t hurt at all. Every so often I feel tenderness or dull ache in shin, not sure if that’s related. With that much damage with ACL/MCL is that normal? To not be in any pain. My concern being the surgery/recovery sounds more painful than what I’m going thru now.


    Hi Karin, experiencing minimal pain or discomfort with ACL and MCL injuries, especially without engaging in strenuous activities, is common. However, the absence of pain does not always reflect the severity of the injury. It’s natural to be concerned about potential pain from surgery and recovery. I recommend consulting with an orthopedic knee specialist to discuss your treatment options, as well as the associated risks and benefits.


I’m coming up on 6 months post op on full acl, and partial meniscus repair. I have been doing constant PT following my surgeon and PT protocols. I have had tightness at the top of my calf and outside of my knee since surgery. I was doing plyometrics at home according to what I am allowed to do. While hopping on my leg, I felt a pop at the top of my calf with sharp pain that stopped after 30 min or so. I rested and felt fine after 3 days. Went to the gym to do my PT approved weight training and felt some pain again at the calf, and a little around the knee. Could this just be a torn/strained calf?


    Oz, firstly, it’s great that you’ve been diligent with your post-op rehabilitation and following your surgeon and PT guidance. The tightness you’ve been experiencing at the top of your calf and outside of your knee since surgery could be related to various factors. The pop you felt could be a cause for concern, and it might be worthwhile to consult with your surgeon or physical therapist to rule out any issues related to the ACL reconstruction or meniscus repair. When it comes to pain during weight training, it’s possible that the exercises are putting additional stress on your calf and knee, exacerbating any existing issues. Your physical therapist may be able to modify your workout routine to alleviate strain on those areas.


I had grade 3 MCL tear & full ACL tear 12 weeks ago. Was put in Xbracing protocol for 6 weeks. Knee very stiff, some pain at MCL w stretching. {now 10-120 deg }. I am getting discomort & pain in calf alot of the time, sometimes outer lower leg & ankle region. Could this be from my injury ?


    Hi Andrea, if you are having calf pain you can try moving your ankles up and down an average of 10 times every 10 minutes. Continue this exercise for two to three days to help blood circulation and to prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. You may also try ice therapy to try and remedy the pain. If you develop acute pain in the back of your calf, it’s important to follow up with your doctor.


Is it advisable to have sex after your ACL surgery?


    After ACL surgery, it’s crucial to follow the specific guidelines and recommendations provided by your orthopedic surgeon or healthcare professional. The recovery process varies among individuals, and the timing for resuming sexual activity or other physical activities will depend on the progress of your rehabilitation and the specifics of your surgery.


Im postSurgery for my knee: ACL & MCL. The surgeon had me an extra ligament calls : LTE (lateral right). How long normally does it take before i can bend my knee at least to 90° ? Thank you 🙏


    Full range of motion after knee surgery may take a few months. To get there, it’s important to collaborate with your orthopedic surgeon and physical therapist to develop a customized rehabilitation plan. They will monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments to your treatment based on your specific condition and response to therapy. Consistency, diligence, and patience are crucial in rehabilitation to regain full range of motion and function in your knee.


I fell down the stairs . I tore my acl and meniscus. Fractured 2 major bones plus bruised bones . Tore ligaments and other tendons . Been 2 weeks . They just did the MRI yesterday where I learned just how bad it is , funny thing is , I can straighten my leg , no pain at all . No clicking . I can put weight on it and it doesn’t hurt . I only do this while walking with the crutches however I can stand on it with no problems . I wouldn’t trust walking without crutches until I go back to see the surgeon . However after reading many of these knee issues . I know mine is really bad yet no pain? Not even uncomfortable ? Yet I’ve been dizzy almost faint . They checked me for blood clots , CT scan etc ! Blood pressures perfect ! I mean perfect ! My hemoglobins are perfect . I’m like what’s up ? I know I’m healthy for my age 57 , I stayed in bed for 2 weeks not walking at all though . I just wanted it to heal. Even though my knee feels no pain , I still don’t trust it . As bad as it was in the MRI I’m debating surgery I don’t want it to start hurting because of surgery . However I don’t know if it will ever be stable enough to be active ! And I was active ! I have sooo many stairs ! When you have a knee injury you feel like you will never be the same again.


Hello. I had an MRI scan and the report indicates complete ACL tear. What would be the best remedy and get back to sports


Hi i had acl surgery 8 weeks ago, i slipped this morning in my home, and bent my knee a slight bit, i felt pain the side of me knee, should i be worries, its still fine to walk on, no swelling or anything, just over thinking it all, as you do 🤣


    As long as there is no swelling you should be fine.


I had ACL reconstruction and partial meniscectomy 9 days ago. No pain, just a bit discomfort, which is expected. But I feel numbness under the knee on the outer side. Is this normal? And would this go away once I start PT? I will have my stitches removed in 2 days, then will start PT in 5 days.


    Superficial numbness after surgery is very normal. It should go away in a short amount of time.


      IM POST OP ……10 MONTHS -ACL RECONSTRUCTION AND MENISCUS REPAIR. I have been having some.sharp pains on the side of my hip bone and runs on the side of my thigh to the back of my knee. Also my sheen still hurts. I was researching and it feels like femoral nerve or sciatica……I also still can’t do stairs and slopes in a pain-free way or use both my legs like normal people.so I do itlike babies, one leg only and very slow. However, I have barely done more than 45 to 60 physio sessions in 9 months due to work schedules. Anyone advise on the challenges I’m still facing…will I ever feel 100% normal and be able to dance or go bowling fearlessly?


        At 10 months most people who have had ACL reconstruction have returned to most activities of daily living. They have probably not 100% returned to sports. You should be full weight bearing on the effected side, with normal gait, and full range of motion. You should be able to dance and bowl fearlessly.


      I had ACl, mcl surgery and meniscus trim 4week ago .. I have no pain no swelling……but I removed my knee brace and bend my knee during sleep only from last 2 week …….is it’s ok or harmful????


        Hi Nisar,
        It’s great to hear you’re feeling good after your surgery! However, it’s important to follow your surgeon’s post-op instructions closely, especially regarding wearing the knee brace. I recommend contacting your surgeon or physical therapist to make sure it’s safe to bend your knee during sleep at this stage of recovery.


    Numbness is normal after surgery


my father 64years old got grade III injury of MCL and ACL, he got operated 12days back, at present doctor asked to slightly move knee to get rid of stiffness without giving any weight on the operated leg. Is ACL and MCL reconstruction is a very serious problem and one has to suffer life long? I am very worried for him as he is not a kid of person who can sit at home all the day. Can anyone tell me if one can expect a normal life after ACL and MCL reconstruction?


    What is normal is to return to 100% of all activities.


I met with an accident in September.Then I had an MCL and MENISCUS REPAIR in October 2022 and following that an ACL reconstruction in December 2022.Its been 1and a half month since ACL reconstruction and my leg is doing just fine. I have started to put weight on it with brace. I don’t even have any kind of pain. I bend it 100° by now. All of this shows that recovery is going good. I will be able to walk in next 1 and a half month.

But the thing is that what will be the future of my knee in next few years?? I haven’t asked my surgeon yet because everytime I go the follow-up, he says that everything is going on fine. I just got to know that i have the chances of getting osteoarthritis in the future. Will it be severe, like will i be able to live a normal life with such an chronic illness?? Honestly I don’t feel like living at this point after knowing what is going to happen to my knee in the future…..


    Your future knee will be fine.


So I just got surgery a week ago and I was wondering how can I get sleep without waking up every 20 mins or so because of slight pain and a lot of discomfort. I’ve tried sleeping on the side with pillows it’s uncomfortable now and the normal way on your back with my leg up it’s really uncomfortable



    The first couple nights after surgery can be difficult to navigate. If you are still having trouble sleeping due to the pain I would reach out to your doctor. Ask them to review their post-op protocols with you again, as they often have tips and options to help with the discomfort. Wishing you a quick recovery.


My surgeon said no brace, 50% weight bearing, and to do flexion/extension exercises immediately.


how long would a mcl take to recover fully? and would it be safe to do gymnastics


    Hi Agnethe,
    Recovery time depends on the type of injury you sustained as well as each individual person, but is generally between nine and 12 months. Speak with your doctor to get a more accurate quote on when you should reach full recovery and be sure to consult with them before doing any strenuous activities on your knee like gymnastics.


I broke my ACL completely 10 days ago, I have an appointment with an orthodontist in a month. I’m still limping and my knee is still swollen. Should I be worried? Additionally, Should I push myself to straighten or bend my knee even if it’s painful or it’s not a good idea?
Is it better to have a surgery as soon as possible or what is a good timeline for it?


    Hi Katy,
    Sorry to hear about you ACL. You should get in to a doctor sooner than later. Do not push your knee to do anything that causes pain, so if straightening or bending it hurts, do not force it to do so. Our knee doctors have openings this week and would be happy to see you. Please call our office at (435)615-8822 to get scheduled. Talk to you soon!


I got surgery 4 months ago. My ACL was reconstructed with my hamstring and my meniscus got a stitch in it. I commonly have really sharp pains on the inside of my knee (on where it bends/just below where it bends). Even just sitting on the couch trying to straighten is very painful. I didn’t have this pain before my surgery. What’s going on?


    Hi Lynsey,
    Sorry to hear about you knee! Unfortunately, It is difficult to give you a direct answer without a proper physical exam of your knee or being able to look at your imaging and records. But if you have a new onset of knee pain then I would recommend a follow up with your orthopedic surgeon. However, you are still well within the recovery phase for an ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair, so it is not uncommon to experience occasional soreness while healing from this surgery. Hope this helps! Best of luck with you recovery.


    Hi Lynsey,

    Hope you are doing good and back to normal from your ACL surgery, i am facing a similar pain in the back of my knee when I am trying to bend. Any inputs that would help me to overcome it.

    Thank You.


I have grade 2 sprain of ACL, full tear of PCL, near full tear of MCL. do you think surgery is required??

My doctor had said that since acl is not fully torn, his opinion is no surgery. its been a month with brace, hot compression and medication. Cannot walk or put pressure on leg yet.


    Hi Mariam,
    Operative vs nonoperative management for an injury is an in depth discussion to have with your orthopedic surgeon that depends on many factors such as injury type, daily activity demands, age, goals in getting back to activity, etc. If nonoperative management is something that was decided between you and your surgeon, then I would follow his or her guidelines as well as those of your Physical Therapist. Often this type of injury can be treated nonoperatively, and a month is still within the acute healing phase. I would recommend giving your knee more time to heal, for inflammation to subside, and to regain motion and strength. Do not hesitate to voice any concerns you may have with your treatment team.


I got my surgery 5 weeks back and I bent my knee 90 degrees on the 2nd week, is it safe to do so, or could it risk the graft in any way or result in any laxity?


    Hi Nishant,
    I would recommend staying within the guidelines as outlined by your surgeon and Physical Therapist. As long as you do not have a new onset of knee swelling and/or pain, then I would not worry about compromising your ACL graft.


Hello krishna patil here. A week ago I had my ACL reconstruction surgery.
I need some help from your side for my knee rehabilitation.


    Hi Krishna,
    We offer physical therapy at both our Park City and Cottonwood location. Please be sure to have your doctor send us your PT Order and then call us to get scheduled at (435)615-8822. Talk to you soon!


I tore my ACL on the right knee (Complete Tear) 12 years back while playing soccer. I didnt opt for surgery and was living without ACL all these years. Every 4 years my knee will give away and I will be in pain for 2 weeks. Recently, I had a fall a month back and noticed consistent tightness behind my knee.

Had an MRI again (4th once over past 12 years) and the MRI shows complete ACL tear (ACL was not even visualizes, meaning the torn ACL was nowhere to be seen :-)) The rest of the ligaments are found to be OK in MRI and my ortho suggested to have ACL surgery this time. Also, took XRAY and there was a early change (Very very slight reduction in medial and lateral space in knee (symptom of very very early stage of arthritis). By the way i am 37 years old.

I am contemplating now whether to undergo surgery (or) not. I have seen multiple ortho’s and all they are suggesting is to undergo ACL surgery. I am just very fearful of surgery and i am constantly thinking whether post surgery i will be OK to walk without any pain.


    Hi Narayanan,
    Deciding whether or not to do surgery can sometimes feel like an impossible decision to make. That’s why seeing a doctor that truly understands all of your options, surgical and non-surgical, is so important. Make sure to explain your lifestyle and goals to the doctor, such as what activities you are hoping to get back to, as this will help your doctor determine which treatment options will be best for you. Dr. Daniel Gibbs, one of our talented orthopedic surgeons that also specializes in sports medicine, would be a great fit for you. Thanks to his knowledge of sports medicine, he has expertise on surgical and non-surgical treatment options and would be happy to help you take the next best step for your care. If you would like to get scheduled with Dr. Gibbs please call us at (435)615-8822 to get scheduled. Take care!


I torn my ACL on 11 Sep 2021 while playing Volleyball. I fallen again on 27 Sep while walking normally and my knee gave up, MRI shows that ACL is fully torn.
I had All inside ACL construction with internal fiber brace surgery on 08 Oct 2021.
I am in terrible pain every night and also suffering with low grade fever (<99.6). My surgeon says it's post op fever only.
The pain happens mostly at night time only and I am able to sleep only for 1 to 2 hours. I am not able to find any specific comfortable position. My knee is swollen and becomes red post icing.
Could you please suggest if this is normal?


    Hello Navpreet,
    Sorry to hear that! A total recovery after ACL surgery can take up to about 9 months depending on what activities you are trying to get back to. As long as you are staying within the guidelines of your recovery protocol as outlined by your surgeon, then experiencing occasional symptoms as you heal and continue to regain strength is normal. If you have further questions about your recovery, or if your symptoms or pain worsens, then I would recommend to follow up in office with your surgeon.


Hi Dr.Heiden! I am barely hit 5 months after I got my meniscus and ACL reconstruction, and my surgery leg is about 90% to compare to other. And I have a question about that is it normal to my leg to be swelling and little pain after my workout and training? Thanks


    Hi Brian,
    A complete recovery after meniscus and ACL surgery can take up to about 9 months depending on what activities you are trying to get back to. As long as you are staying within the guidelines of your recovery protocol as outlined by your surgeon, then you may experience occasional symptoms as you heal and continue to regain strength. If you have further questions or concerns about your recovery then I would recommend to follow up in office with your surgeon.


      Thanks M.D.: Heiden! After 2 weeks from this post my surgery leg is now 99 percent compare to my other and its isn’t swelling or pain anymore after my workout, but still couldn’t sprint as fast as I used to be yet.


        Hi Brian,
        Glad to hear your leg is doing so well this soon after surgery. Full recovery typically takes up to 2 months. Make sure you are working with a physical therapist to help your leg heal properly and gain back strength. If it has been over 2 months and you are still unable to reach your sprinting goals, speak with your surgeon for additional treatment options. Wishing you the best of luck with your healing journey!


I had a lateral meniscus tear of the posterior horn which I had repaired 7.5 months ago. Went through PT for the recommended duration prescribed by my surgeon. ( I read my MRI diagnosis and saw that there was not only a meniscus tear but possible POL tear) The meniscus was repaired but no mention of the POL. Since my surgery I have experienced levels of medial knee pain from 1-10. I am extremely frustrated and do not know what to do. Not sure if I go for a second opinion or am I still experiencing pain from my meniscus surgery after 7.5 months?


    Typically, recovery time for a meniscus repair surgery is anywhere between 3 – 6 months. I would recommend discussing your pain level and frustrations with your surgeon. They know your medical history and are best suited to give you recovery expectations and further treatment options. If all else fails and you are still feeling frustrated, a second opinion never hurt.


I can I ice my leg after acl surgery and some are saying no ice after acl surgery


    It is recommended that you follow your surgeon’s specific protocol for post-surgery recovery. Happy healing!


Hi My partner had ACL reconstruction and Meniscouse tear repaired on the 14th of may. He is worried because he is still in quite a bit of pain at 16 weeks coming up on 4 monu=ths afterwards , he says its constant at abot 2/3 out of ten but some days its worse and he almost wants to take pain killers for it. Is this normal for ACL recovery? A bit more info: he almost has full extension but not quite there on flexion of the knee. he is able to do some weighted excercises such as lunges and single leg dead lifts with 16KG kettlebell on the surgical leg (his starting point for this was much higher so this is pretty light) should he be looking to have an earlier appointment with the otrtho surgean? his next one is booked for the end of next month. He is concerned the pain is here tos stay TIA Collette


    I should have aslo mentioned he has an inreited bleeding condition which is similar to hemophillia and may mean hi recovery could be a little slower and he is unable to take anti inflammatorie, aspirin and NSAIDS etc


    Collette, is your husband currently working with a Physical Therapist? Oftentimes, if the Therapist is concerned about the rate of recovery (or lack thereof) they will reach out to the doctor. Either way, if he has concerns after surgery, we always recommend reaching out to the doctor. Pain is expected post-operatively, but it shouldn’t be ignored and his concerns should be discussed with the surgeon to determine what is and isn’t normal. Reach out to the surgeon.
    Wishing him happy healing.


Monday, I see a surgeon for a torn ACL and a torn meniscus. Injury happed about 1 month ago . The ACL looks only partially torn on the MRI, but on physical exam my PT (and the PA who ordered the MRI) observed significant instability and laxity. The knee feels like wet spaghetti to me (I’m a former mountain biker/skiier/runner) compared to the other. I don’t trust it at all and am wearing a brace constantly (my day job is very physical- teacher- walking bending stooping stairs moving desks- you name it, can’t do much of it right now). So I’m thinking ACL reconstruction.

What are your thoughts cadaver tendon versus autograft? My PT says cadaver tendon takes longer to heal but is stronger and there’s less swelling/pain since you’re not harvesting hamstring or quadriceps.
I’m 52, female, very active, not yet in menopause (I don’t know if the hormones make a difference)- 64″ and 120 lbs (so, not overweight). Thank you!


    Regarding ACL graft choice, it is very common for patients over the age of 25-30 to choose an allograft (cadaver tissue) to reconstruct their ACL. Outcomes are very similar long term and it typically is a slightly easier recovery initially as your own tissue does not have to be harvested for the graft. Hope this helps!


I’m from Malaysia. My doctor said I got a grade 3 torn ACL and suspects my meniscus is also injured as there are frequent popping sounds in my knee while i twist it or trying to straighten it. May I know how much will it cost me for the surgery + physiotherapy + rehabilitation from start to the end? I only know the surgery costs about RM20k. I want to know the approximate cost of the entire process, please. Appreciate if anyone can share with me the price and also the currency you are using.


    Price varies by doctor, facility, State, Physical therapist, insurance (if any used), etc.
    We would recommend you contact a particular doctor you are interested in doing the surgery, and see where they perform surgery and who they recommend for physical therapy. Then, call the hospital/surgery center and get an estimate from them. Then, call the physical therapist and get an estimate from them.
    Or, if you will be using insurance, the insurance company can provide you with an estimate. This should give you an overall idea.
    Hopefully this helps! Here is an internet search you might find helpful as well:


Hi, my husband is about to have a 2nd ACL repair surgery. He is military and tore his ACL again during PT. His previous tear and surgery was years ago from a football injury. Im wondering since this will be his 2nd knee surgery does that mean he will have a longer recovery time? I will be caring for him after surgery and we have a toddler and a special needs older child so im just curious how long he will be out of commission for? Any advice would be appreciated! Thank you!


    The recovery time should be about the same overall even though it is his second surgery. However, the immediate post-op period could be/feel slightly different to him depending on ACL graft choice, whether or not the meniscus is involved, placement of previous bone tunnels for the graft since it is a revision, etc. Your husband’s surgeon will be able to answer those questions in more detail for you both. However, I would expect a full return to activities to be about the same as it was for his first ACL surgery. All the best.


So I got my ACL surgery and then I got my knee brace but it’s been about I month since and my knee brace slides off down even when I put it tight it but I’m not sure if the straps are suppose to go all the way around to the back of your leg cause the doctor cut the straps and it slides off


    You need to return to the doctor’s office and have them fit the brace and show you how to properly use and adjust it.


I had my surgery almost 6 months ago. Feeling good but no jogging still allowed, no impact on the knee. My surgeon took a bit conservative approach and I was not allowed to put any weight for 6 weeks. Muscled atrophied a lot and it’s taking me time now rebuilding the muscle. I am back walking and hiking (much easier up the hill and still very careful down the hill). At times, I think whether I will ever be the same and that scares me as I am avid skier, hiker, and generally I love sport. The good thing about this experience is that I had no post surgical pain except when I was working on range of motion, flexion in particular. Lots of cracking in my knee now, it’s still quite weak, extension is 100% but still working on full flexion.


I injured my knee on my scooter June 6th. Tore my acl completely and meniscus needs repairing. Surgeon recommended an allograft for my knee and sutures for meniscus repair. I’m 41. I don’t want surgery but after almost 3 months since the injury, I have absolutely no pain but I walk with a limp my knee is protruding outward and I don’t want this to be a permanent state for me. I have been reading comments where people state their knee is protruding out after surgery 🤦‍♀️ I am now afraid I could possibly be worst off. Also again I experience no pain! I explained all this to my PT. She suggests their can possibly be no pain because I completely tore my acl and attributes the protruding to the meniscus being torn, as it acts as a pillow for my knee and is not allowing the knee to sit correctly but she can’t be sure. She states that surgery is ultimately my choice but assures me the acl won’t heal itself. Can you tell me what you think about the protruding without pain and surgery option overall since I have no pain. Thank you


    I’m assuming you have imaging of your knee already? If you’re still unsure of the first doctor’s recommendation, I would suggest getting a second opinion. Second opinions can be extremely helpful for patients when deciding which course of treatment to follow.
    As for the ACL healing – your PT is right, full ACL tears cannot be healed without surgery. In some cases, part of the meniscus can pop out of the knee joint and can be seen right under the skin, this might be the protruding you are referring to. Either way, your second opinion can review your images with you, and help you determine the best course of treatment. Hope this helps.


I tore my acl 2 years ago and now I’m playing college basketball. I was playing in a scrimmage a couple of days ago and it popped, but it always does that, but now it just feel sore still should i be concerned?


    If your knee popped and you are experiencing pain or instability, I would recommend seeing an orthopedic knee specialists to have your knee checked. Better to stay on the safe side.



My wife fell down accidentally a week back and had an X-ray taken. X-ray showed no fractures. Due to her pain & difficulty to stand, doctor advised an MRI. The MRI had below observations:
 Focal subchondral fractures in medial aspect of patella with lateral dislocation of patella causing narrowing of patellofemoral joint space.
 PD / T2 hyper intensities in lateral femoral condyle suggesting bone contusion.
 Partial tear of medial patellar retinaculum at the patellar attachment site.
 Features suggestive of transient lateral dislocation.
 Focal partial thickness tear of distal fibers of anterior cruciate ligament near tibial attachment.
 Minor grade I sprain of medial collateral ligament.
 Joint effusion.
 Mild subcutaneous edema around right knee joint.

Do you think a surgery is mandatory for her to heal or would physiotherapy heal the injuries?


    I am sorry to hear your wife fell down. Unfortunately, we would not be able to recommend a treatment plan without properly evaluating your wife. We hope her doctor was able to help her make the decision between surgery and Physical Therapy. Happy healing!


i’m not sure how i got the injury. Gradually my knee sharted paining. There was no sudden injury or pain in the past. I had participated in 10k marathons in 2017 & 2018, Also a sport enthusiatic involved in Cricket and football overweekends. All these have completely stopped now !!
I did a MRI scan in 2019 and found out that i have ACL partial tear, peripheral tear-grade2 in the posterior horn of medial meniscus and minimal joint effusion.
Since then i have been exercising prominently like leg raise, knee stsretch and hamstring, but its almost 2 years, do not see the pain going away. There is considerable amount of muscle loss on my thigh as well.
should i continue my exercises or do i have to go for any surgery ?


    I’m sorry to hear you have had to stop your activities and sports. If you have been experiencing this pain since 2019 with no relief, I would definitely recommend going in for a new consultation. You will need to have a recent evaluation from an orthopedic knee specialist to determine if surgery is the next step for you.
    A Physical Therapist can also help you determine how to go about exercising the injured knee and address your muscle loss concerns – though this might be a better step after your Orthopedic consult.
    Hope this helps.


7 weeks after my ACL reconstruction and Meniscus repair, now I can straighten my leg out and bend around 95% and barely can walk normal and light jogging (only for 20 mins). But I still wonder why is my surgery leg still small to compare to the other. Any advice? Please!


    This may be due to disuse atrophy, and is common after an injury. Disuse atrophy occurs when a muscle is no longer as active as usual, and it begins to shrink. Additionally, your other leg may have been overcompensating after your injury, resulting in more muscle use on that leg. This can be reversed upon the return to normal weight bearing and use of the ‘smaller leg’. Your Physical Therapist can help you regain muscle strength in the injured leg. Hope this helps.


It will be 1 month in 4 days since my ACL surgery. I completely snapoed my ACL, 2 tears in MCL, 1 small tear in LCL, and 30% tear of my medial meniscus which was not salvageable. I have been adamant about my exercises since the day I came home from surgery and started PT last week. I have been trying to lay off my vicodin by only taking it around 3am when the agonizing pain wakes me up. Now I need a refill but I feel like they are going to think of me as some drug addict thanks to all the people who abuse pain meds but I am in serious pain and 600mg of ibuprofen at 3am is not doing it for me. I also ice and elevate constantly. Please give me some advice!


    Most doctors understand the need for pain medication after surgery. Your doctor likely has a protocol and limit on the number of refills they will allow, for patient safety. Call your doctor and discuss your concerns. Unfortunately, pain medication abuse is a serious issue, but discussing your needs with your doctor should never be avoided. They are there to help. Wishing you happy and quick healing.


About 2 months ago i was hit by a car while crossing the street & the accident resulted in a complete tear of my ACL & a grade 2 tear of my MCL both in my left knee. I’m on day 3 after my reconstruction surgery. I’m having a throbbing pain in my calf, especially when my leg is elevated. I’m not sure if this is normal or if it’s due to pressure from the brace. My knee is also hurting immensely, especially on the side where the incision for the MCL was made. I was given a nerve block, & I have most of my feeling back, but my foot is still slightly numb. I’m able to move it around, there’s just a constant tingly sensation in my left foot. Should I be worried about the calf pain? Also, i’m hardly able to bend my knee but i’m doing the best i can. i have absolutely no strength in my quads (which is where the graft came from) so i am unable to raise my leg on my own.


    I’m sorry to hear about your accident.
    Although pain after surgery is common and expected, any severe pain should be discussed with your doctor. It’s always best to voice your concerns and have them do an evaluation. Your doctor can also help adjust your brace if it is causing additional pain.
    Once you’re approved to begin, Physical Therapy can greatly help in regaining strength, flexion and mobility.
    Your doctor will likely provide the Physical Therapist with a protocol to help get you back to normal.
    Wishing you a quick recovery!


I tore both ACL’s at the same time. I am 6months post op on the right and 3months post op on left leg. I have a great physical therapist but I have been having a sharp pain when I release from an exercise, such as a squat. Doesn’t hurt to squat on descent, but on ascent it is terrible sharp pain. Is this normal and still ligament healing?


    Since you are still in the post-op period, I would continue to give it some more time working with your Physical Therapist. If this does not improve then I would follow up with your surgeon. Happy healing!


i had my acl surgery a week ago and yesterday while trying to sit on my be the knee fell on the edge of the mattress and it was kind of a bounce. i felt a sharp sensation in the knee and now the swelling and pain is increased a bit. Is this something to be worried about. kindly suggest if anything that I should be doing to get better.


    If you reinjured your knee you need to call your doctor. Any new swelling and pain should be discussed with your orthopedic surgeon. They will guide you on next steps. Happy Healing.


      At the end of my second weeks after I got an ACL reconstruction and Meniscus repair, now my knee and bend and straight about 90 degree, and now I can without my crutches around and doesn’t feel hurt or anything but have to lock my leg with a brace since my orthopedic told me to wear it for at least 6 weeks. Plus, I can walk upstairs or downstairs with my brace but doesn’t need to hold anything around to climb up. And I wonder that is am I too early to walk without my crutches or my knee recovery too fast?


I severed my ACL and have longitudinal tears in my meniscus. It’s unclear whether they will repair it or perform a meniscectomy during the surgery to re-atttach my ACL.

Two questions as I am Pre-Op at the moment:
1. MENISTECTOMY PROCEDURE: I’m curious given the data on menistectomies I’ve read so far how the doctor decides whether to repair or cut it? The data doesn’t seem to show many positive results from that procedure so I’d love to hear from someone trained how how and why that procedure is applied.

2. PRE-OPERATIVE RANGE OF MOTION RECOVERY: This injury occurred 3 months ago and I’ve been doing some PT pre-operatively to help my knee be in better shape before the surgery. I still don’t have full range of motion back…although I have MOST of it. I can fully extend my leg but it gets sore if I leave it that way for too long and when I stand I can’t seem to straight it all the way even when I use my muscles and try so I walk with a small limp Is this normal? I also can’t bend it fully although I get it pretty far (a stiff 145 degrees measuring as if fully straight was 0 degrees) but I can’t sit on my honches with my legs under me. Is this normal after 3 month?

3. PAIN: I’m wondering how bad the pain is and for how long so I know when I can resume video calls / zoom meetings. Should I cancel meetings for days or weeks? What’s normal. I know everybody is different but I’m curious what the most common range. I’m a 46 year old woman.


    1. A meniscus repair vs meniscectomy is determined based on the pattern and location of the meniscus tear in addition to patient activity demands, etc. I would recommend discussing this with your surgeon so you can talk about his or her plan based on your MRI, to determine the best surgical plan for you.

    2. It sounds like you have good motion going into your surgery, which will help with your recovery post-op.

    3. Regarding post-op pain, everyone is different as you mentioned, and of course it depends on one’s work schedule and demands. If you are trying to resume video calls for work, then I would anticipate taking a few days off. Hopefully by then you should be felling better, but again that is up to you and your surgeon.


I had a ACL reconstruction, MCL and miniscus repair surgery last 3 weeks before, but I can’t able to sleep in the nights because of the pain. Particularly in the day time there’s pain but, I never feel because I have been busy with activits like a reading books and watching TV. Even though I took a pain reliever in the night time. Still I am facing like a nightmare on the pain .. please guide me, how to get rid of this.


    I am sorry to hear you are in so much pain at night. Though pain after surgery is expected, you should reach out to your surgeon if it is keeping you up at night. Discuss your concerns and they will give you their recommended solution(s) and treatment options. Happy healing!


I’ve always had issues w my L knee. I’m a Home Health R.N. who has done more walking and pivoting than I care to mention. I also run, bike and play baseball, and, raise kids😳 In 2017, I had a partial menisectomy w a renowned Orthopaedic group in Philly. Did quite well. In December of 20, I literally had my L leg run over by my own car! Never chase a rolling car! So, I rehabbed it on my own. 2 weeks ago I pivoted and all hell broke loose. My orthopaedic guy on palpation, says torn ACL. MRI in 3 days. Sweating surgery, I’m not a sit around guy. This is a great thread, very helpful. I’d like to nurse it a little longer, and probably will.


I’m confused between ACL and MCL I just know i got a reconstruction for my ligaments of my left knee. Its gonna be 6 weeks since the surgery but the bottom of my knee hurts. Can the pain be due to my morning stretches or not putting my leg on my bed?


    It’s normal for patients to experience some degree of pain after surgery, even up to several months after. That being said, it is always a good idea to discuss your pain and concerns with your orthopedic surgeon. They can help you adjust your treatment plan, including Physical Therapy, to help you obtain optimal recovery. Happy healing!


What can happen if you fall the day after your acl and lcl surgery. I had a block on my leg so it was completely numb and as i tried to get up with crutches i accidentally stepped on the numb leg and i fell. What is the worst that could have happened?


    Fortunately, the graft is typically pretty strong. Unfortunately, there is still a chance you can re-tear the new ligament. You need to call your doctor and let them know your concerns. He/she may need to evaluate your knee again, to assess any new injury or damage.


I Tore my acl and had surgery to fix it back in 2018. Since then my doctors have discovered that my mcl is “too long/loose” and that I’ve got a minor anterior subluxation of tibia. The doctors said that to fix the subluxation they would have to replace my acl and pcl and won’t do it as they think I’ll have deficits afterwards. Do you have any advice?


Hi, I tore my ACL and I got surgery about 4 weeks ago and some days, I started walking and felt so good about my knee, but the thing is I don’t have full knee extension. So, I walk with my knee bent and it still felt ok, but I walked a lot like more than I really should’ve and im really worried because my calve only the surgery leg’s calve feels sore all the way to my ankle and I can’t really walk now without feeling sore and hurting its not a lot of pain but I can’t really walk, there’s no swelling or redness on my calve, its just sore and it hurts. Please help me I have physical therapy tomorrow and im scared they’re gonna be mad at me.


    Best advice: go to Physical Therapy. Follow their instructions.
    General leg soreness can be normal after surgery, if you do too much, since your other muscles are supporting your knee as it heals. Give it time, follow your doctor’s protocols, listen to your Physical Therapist, and don’t push it too hard. Happy Healing.


I had acl reconstruction surgery about 4 weeks earlier. I have been wearing bandage and knee brace, can i switch to knee cap and knee brace combination.


    We recommend following your surgeon’s specific post-operative guidelines for optimal recovery. If you are unsure what these are, try calling the nurse or medical assistant for details and clarification. Wishing you happy healing!


I had my ACL surgery 6 weeks ago but still don’t have full extension. Mornings are the worst- my leg is very stiff. After lots of stretching, I can get it slightly straighter but still not fully straight. Will this improve after the 6 week mark?


    Are you currently going to Physical Therapy? Your therapist can help you slowly gain full extension.
    Typically, our protocol is to have a physical therapist help you work on extension right away, with modified movements. Each doctor has a different protocol they like their patients to follow, but generally, the further out from surgery you get, the harder it will be to obtain full ROM. Hope this helps.


My ACL reconstruction was done 13 months ago and at this stage I feel I will never get back to playing soccer the way I was able to before. Even though my flexibility is back to 90-95% and I’m able to do other activities, but I’m in mid-30s now and it sucks to think I’ll never be able to get back to the sport I’ve played my entire life. I’ve read a bunch of articles and research papers and my advice is to focus on rehab, as well as the mental side of the equation. Manage the pain, but don’t let it prevent you from pushing through and building back the muscle and taking control of your leg. Even though I may not be able to play soccer again, I can still practice with my 2 little boys and at the very least get back to other activities which don’t require excessive pivoting and side-to-side motion. Also, beware that osteoarthritis is common in the repaired knee and research has shown that it is more likely due to the mechanical changes of how you walk and move in the years after surgery. So focus on getting back to proper motion and distributing the weight evenly between both your legs. Unconsciously favouring one or the other is a common problem. So listen to your rehab specialists and good luck to all of you who are reading this and pray that we all get back to doing the things we love one day!


Hi sir
I’ve done my surgery ACL reconstruction & meniscus repair (trimming the border)
Now exactly 34 days
First 14 days they said total bed rest with basic exercises
From 15th day started the PT, for the 2 weeks I didn’t get much improvement I can bend only 20-25 degrees
Then they kept cpm machine from 28th March
daily daily some kind of improvement is there
Now cpm range is 55 degrees

But after the cpm use within 30-40 mins again my knee become too stiff on that time I can bend only 20 degrees

Is this okay or any other issue

For normally how many days knee will bend for 90 degrees


    Are you still attending Physical Therapy?
    Each doctor has a different protocol they like the Therapist to follow. As for our clinic, we typically say our patients should be able to bend/flex your knee to at least 90 degrees within 7-10 days after surgery. Full knee flexion will gradually be achieved by week 4-6.
    A physical therapy program designed specifically for you will help you recover ROM and strength. If you are not seeing improvement with Physical Therapy, I would recommend reaching out to your surgeon again for further recommendations. Happy healing.


I had an acl reconstruction 2 years ago. Back then I also partially ruptured my mcl. I’ve got a lot of residual pain and the doctors have discovered that my acl grew together a bit too long and that I have a minor anterior subluxation of tibia. The doctors have said to reduce the subluxation they’ll need to reconstruct my acl again and my pcl but that I’d probably be in pain from this surgery as well so they don’t recommend it. They will however tighten the mcl to help with my current instability.
I would like your opinion on whether or not to get the acl and pcl surgery. I used to be very active, I did a lot of sports and competed on a national level and I would really like to return to sports in one way or another and currently the pain is keeping me from it.
I could get my mcl fixed and see how my body is reacting to it and if it doesn’t help my pain I could get the acl and pcl surgery later on.
I hope you can help shed some light on my situation and give me your advice. Thank you in advance


    I’m sorry to hear about your knee. As we are not able to examine your knee or look at your imaging, it is difficult to recommend a specific treatment plan for you. However, it might be worth giving Physical Therapy a try first for a strengthening or return to sport program, if you haven’t done so already. Some patients are able to get back to activities they want to do even with an ACL sprain, especially if the ACL isn’t completely ruptured. Typically, the MCL can heal with time. If you don’t see improvements or feel your knee continues to be unstable and painful, and is limiting your activities, then you may decide to consider surgery. It may also be worth seeing and getting an opinion from another orthopedic surgeon before making a decision. Hope this helps!


I have a complete tear of my ACL and MCL and a partial tear of my lateral meniscus. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on Monday. I know surgery that surgery is a definite. Can anyone offer any info on what to expect after this type of surgery?
I injured mine coming off one of my horses. I ride quite often and I am worried about how long it will be until I can ride again and if after surgery and pt will my knee be like it was before the injury?


    Depending on the type of surgery performed, it may take 4 to 8 weeks to regain use of your knee. Typically, it can take 6 months to about a year to recover more fully from ACL reconstruction. There are individuals who come back earlier but most patients feel subjectively they are recovered by 12 months. However, current research indicates it can take nearly two years to return to your full potential. Each patient is different, each surgery is different, and recovery depends on your specific treatment plan and body. Your Orthopedic doctor can give you a more specific timeline after your evaluation. Happy Healing!


6 weeks ago I had my PCL plus PLC surgery. Yesterday I accidentally bent my knee very fast and by more degrees then I could without pain. It happened because a cat touched my heel, and I did not expected it, so by reflex I bent my knee. Now I can’t walk, because it hurts to stand on full weight, my knee is swollen. I asked my doctor what to do, he recommended me to put some ice and let it rest. Is there some possibility that I could damage may rails and autotransplantats?


    If you have tried to rest and ice your knee for a few days per your surgeon’s recommendation and you are still having swelling and pain with walking, then it might be best to go ahead and schedule a visit with your orthopedist for a reassessment of your knee. If you think it is getting better than it might be reasonable to give it some more time, but don’t hesitate to reach out to your surgeon if you have concerns.


Hi I’m 2 months into my ACL reconstruction recovery but a week ago one of the training bands I used to exercise with broke while I was trying to straighten it flat along the floor. My the back side of the leg hit the floor very hard when it snapped and I’m in pain ever since with only a little swelling now coming back. I’ve also experienced 2 occasions of my leg giving way it’s only been a week the pain seems to be non stop but it’s it’s like a 1\10 pain.


    I would recommend visiting your surgeon again to assess any damage. You may have just tweaked the knee and it will require additional healing time. If your doctor clears you for exercise, I would recommend following up with a Physical Therapist. They can guide your recovery and help strengthen your knee to prevent/reduce your leg “giving way”. Wishing you all the best.


I just sustained a left knee injury while skiing two days ago. The clinic at the mountain did xrays, nothing broke, I have a referral for Ortho to get an appointment. My knee was twisted a good 45 degrees and the pain caused me to black out, woke screaming. CMS has been good. Swelling (about 1/3 to 1/2 larger than unaffected knee) even with splint, elevation and ice 20/24hr/day. Pain is very tolerable but the slightest movement is incredibly painful. I am concerned I could possibly have more than one tear and want to get as ready for surgery ASAP. What position or what else can I do for the swelling, should I be trying to bend it, again…any lateral movement is out of the question, I’d need to be put out for that. Thank you.


    It sounds like you’re already doing everything we typically recommend for swelling – The RICE method: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Take it easy until you are able to follow up with your orthopedic surgeon. If you are able, talk to your doctor about anti-inflammatory medication – such as ibuprofen – until you are able to get into the surgeon. Best of luck!


I had an ACL operation 10 years ago.

Due to the pandemic I have mostly been on the bed with not much movement. But now it’s winters and my knee ligament surgery area is paining again. What to do?


    You could try returning to a Physical Therapist to get you moving again. Strengthening the knee could improve your pain. If this doesn’t work, your Physical Therapist can give you recommendations of where to turn next.


I had acl reconstruction surgery 8 months ago and we had some complications getting my full range of motion back but 2 days ago i took a really nasty fall and fell right on my knee and now anything touching it hurts i cant move certain ways and if my clothes get tight and push against it hurts and burns idk what i should do


    Re-injury warrants another visit to your doctor’s office. If you are experiencing pain and a burning sensation, these symptoms should not be ignored. Your doctor will likely want to get more imaging of your knee to assess the damage from the injury, and provide treatment options.


I had surgery about 5 months ago ACL & MCL on my left knee. The last week it hurts to straighten and hurts particularly on the left (outer) side. Any ways to get over this


    Have you tried Physical Therapy? Oftentimes a PT can guide you through exercises to help you obtain full range of motion and/or give you exercises to complete at home.


I tore my ACL (left side) I went through some PT (about 5 months). I now limp and my Achilles (right side) hurts a lot. I have now started PT again. Does my Achilles hurt because its compensating my lack of trust when I walk. In other words, am I applying pressure due to my ACL accident? Also I never limped before I had my surgery. I had my surgery 11 months ago.


    We are unable to determine the source of your Achilles pain without a proper examination. Foot and ankle pain can be caused by many day-to-day factors or injuries. I would recommend seeing a Podiatrist or Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Specialist to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan. You could also discuss this possibility with your Physical Therapist. If they feel you are overcompensating for your knee they can provide exercises to help correct this.


Hi All!
I am currently on the waiting list to get my ACL reconstructed in British Columbia, Canada. It is suspected I also have my MCL torn, severe scar tissue surrounding my meniscus and tears within my meniscus. I’m supposed to be getting surgery in the next month or so. After reading the comments about it being the more excruciating pain people have ever experienced, this makes me extremely nervous.
Any tips on how to go in this as prepared as possible to get the best outcome?


I had Acl reconstruction and my meniscus repaired 7 months next week. I found physical therapy for the first month useful, then I stopped because my normal life did the same exercises. I’ve listened mostly to my surgeon with my follow up impontmants.


Hey how should I increase range cause its still not like it was earlier and still pains


    Also I’m 1.5 years into the injury


    I would recommend seeing a Physical Therapist to help you increase your range of motion. They will be able to suggest exercises for your specific injury and mobility. Hope this helps.


I have just had ACL surgery on the 23rd of December my doctor did not give me a brace or instruct me to stay off of it. In fact he told me to put light pressure on it as much as I can bear. I’m confused because all of my research tells me that I should be keeping it straight leg which I had to work on it on my own after the pain went away. I have also been walking on it with crutches. Am I doing damage to my ACL? My appointment is not for another 2 weeks and I was not advised to seek physio just yet.


    In general, we start our patients on Physical Therapy(PT) after their first post-op appointment. Each doctor is different, but I’m not surprise you haven’t started PT just yet. Your doctor should give you instructions for that soon. As for pressure and damage to the ACL – that would be difficult to ascertain without reviewing your records. Your doctor wants your surgery to be successful as much as you do, so I would follow his post-op protocol. As always, if you are uncertain, you should reach out to his/her medical assistant/nurse for clarification. Wishing you a quick recovery.


    I was full weight bearing immidiately after surgery with no brace, was started the day after surgery bending my knee using a belt to pull foot gently. Also to do wall slides, quad sets/raises, patellar mobilisation and hanging leg off end of bed while lying on stomach. Saw a physio after 7 days. Back working now after 4 weeks and doing 12 to 15 thousand steps a day


I jut tested my acl mcl and lcl and meniscus torned grade 3 and it been almost a month doctor recommended a plaster for 3 weeks and it’s almost three weeks now and the swelling hasn’t gone at all not even a lil bit what should I do listen to the doctor and wait to swelling to go down or anything else anyone ?


    If your swelling still hasn’t gone down and you do not see any improvement I would suggest going to your doctor again. Have them re-evaluate your injury and suggest a detailed course of treatment. If all else fails, get a second opinion.


I had a arthroscopic multi ligament reconstruction approxx 15 days ago
And i feel tiny pain
But one thing i do wrong which is bending my knee during sleeping my question is.
It is harmful or not
After bending my knee approxx 45 to 60 degree. I feel relax.



    If you are not experiencing any pain when bending your knee then it should be OK. I would suggest discussing this with your surgeon or physical therapist. They will let you know how quickly they want you to progress and to what degree. Wishing you a quick recovery.


Hi I am Ravi my age is 35 my right knee complete ACL tear 3month back but my leg no twist in prasently
My doctor is advised not required surgery
Any possible without surgery maintain in life long


    If I am understanding correctly, you doctor is not suggesting surgery? Without seeing any x-rays or other imaging of your right knee it would be difficult for us to determine impacts of the injury long-term. I would follow your doctor’s suggestion though, or get a second opinion, if you are concerned. Hope this answers your question.


Jeeze. I had my first acl repair Aug 30, 2020. Left knee. Also was a meniscus tear fixed. Two weeks later graft was blown and meniscus return. OCT 5TH 2020 had my left knee redone. This time 6inch slit, titanium plate and 4 screws. Healed fine, walked out of the surgery center. Dec 10th, 2020 had my right acl repaired. Surgeon went straight to using a titanium plate and 4 screws. Again, walked out of the surgery center. Pain is relative. Surgery doesn’t hurt.


I had ACL reconstruction and meniscectomy 3.5 months ago. It was an inside out ACL reconstruction with 7 stranded Hamstring autograft. The recovery went very well for the first 3 months. I had full range of motion and was doing strengthening program as per the post surgical rehab protocol. Then while I was walking all of a sudden I’ve heard a crank and then I developed lateral knee pain. I did not twist my knee. The pain starts from the area of the femoral button (TightRope RT ) down on the lateral side of my calf. I am also having some joint line tenderness and difficulty putting pressure on my knee. The pain comes and goes. I worry that a hardware failure might be causing the ITB irritation. I am awaiting to see my surgeon to review the XRays he ordered. Have you seen similar post surgical complications following ACLR surgery? Thanks so much!


3 and half months ago I tore every ligament in my right knee due to a motorcycle accident. I had surgery a month after that grated ACL, MCL, PCL LCL an repaired meniscus. went on a hinged brace for 4 weeks. Physician said the MCL graft had streched I was put in a cast for 2 weeks and it didn’t tight had second surgery on MCL to tighten graft. Was in splint for 2 weeks then put back on cast. MCL started feel loose as soon as I went back in the cast, but was tight in the splint.

I am loosing hope and think I will have an unstable knee for life.


    I’m sorry to hear of your troubles with your knee. Listen to your doctor and they can help you get back to normal as much as possible. If you are still concerned, consider getting a second opinion. It never hurts to have another doctor weigh in on your injury and treatment. All the best.


So I tore my ACL and had surgery Nov 4th. I’ve been progressing well and kinda fast. How possible would it be to play my senior year of football starting in March?


    This would depend on the severity of your ACL tear and the following surgery. It may take anywhere from four to nine months, or more, before you can return to your sport. Some doctors may let you return to your sport in a limited capacity 4–8 weeks after full range of motion is established and there is no joint swelling. Overall, I would recommend listening to your doctor’s advice and following your Physical Therapy exercises for optimal recovery. Wishing you a full and quick recovery.


I had acl reconstruction surgery just over 3 weeks ago and everything was nicely improving but since yesterday suddenly its incredibly painful and stiff again. It feels like it did just days after the surgery so how do I know if that normal or if something is wrong? Also I’m spending all day in bed with my legs out in front of me but when I get out of bed I get a really painful throbbing in my knee so should I maybe not be keeping my leg out all day?


    If the pain came on suddenly I would recommend reaching out to your doctor for a follow up appointment. He may want to check for reinjury and your healing progress.
    Typically at 3 weeks post-op you should not be immobile all day. Talk to your Physical Therapist about exercises you can do at home or how much you should be moving around throughout the day.


I’m 18 and had my ACL, lateral meniscus and medial meniscus repaired 3 weeks ago on 11/10/2020. I have been going to physical therapy 3 times a week and have been able to flex my quads again. I am also able to easily bend my knee 90 degrees, which is as far my doctor wanted me to go until 6 weeks after surgery. I have recently realized that I may have accidentally been bending my knee past 90 degrees at home when resting in bed with the brace off. It feels comfortable and fine but I’m not sure if there’s any damage being done. My knee does make a little crack when I bend it but that’s about it. Could I be damaging my knee in any type of way or am I just being paranoid?


    Just to be specific, the ACL was a complete tear and one of the meniscus was only repaired 50% and the other was 75% repaired.


    Since you mentioned you had a meniscus repair in addition to an ACL reconstruction, your surgeon will have a specific protocol he or she wants you to follow that gradually increases your knee flexion, so as to protect the meniscus as it heals. This protocol varies, however, so I would ask your surgeon for specific instructions to follow that is tailored to you and your surgery. Wishing you a quick recovery.


I flipped a 4 wheeler about 6 weeks ago I tried to bail and planted my foot on the ground which resulted in my knee getting twisted. It was a flash of pain and what felt like bubble wrap popping. I stood up and although my knee didn’t hurt and I was able to walk on level ground it felt very loose and about an hour later i noticed that it was very swollen. I went to urgent care and got X-rays. they determined that there was no breaks and sent me on my way with a standard leg brace. I was then referred to orthopedics a few days later and they scheduled me for a video visit. I told the Doctor my story and he told me to see him in two weeks in person if symptoms didn’t improve. At the appointment The doctor was going to send me on my way until I explained to him that my knee felt loose when I walked, he scheduled an MRI. I got the results a week later. A torn ACL (he says i tore it half way through) and a fractured tibia and femur due to my leg buckling and denting the two bones. Fractures to small to see on an X-ray apparently. He then scheduled me for a brace that a week later im to be fitted for. I’m concerned that I was not taken care of properly ( i’ve been walking with a limp for 6 weeks) and that getting a brace now would be redundant. What are your thoughts? Should i start wearing a brace now after all this time? I Have a 1 month appointment to check my progress.


    There are many factors that one should consider when discussing the treatment of an ACL tear. Factors such as age, activity level, physical demands, if there are associated meniscal injuries, etc., should play a role in the treatment plan. Your orthopedist should have a discussion with you to determine if conservative treatment or if surgery for an ACL reconstruction is more suitable for you. If you are limping, continue to have knee swelling, knee stiffness or locking, then I would recommend a follow up with your orthopedist. Hope this helps.


I had my ACL surgery 8/18/20 and all went well. Right now I am still in a full leg brace and going to therapy 2 times a week. I have an 112 degree pull back in the knee now with pain. My question is when can I stop wearing the full leg brace and switch to an knee brace? I am able to walk around in the house without my brace. I also am looking forward to going back to work as an nursing assistant in the hospital. Would I be able to go back to work you feel in 3 weeks?


    You should not switch between braces or remove the brace without first speaking with your doctor. Each doctor will give specific guidelines per patient that need to be followed for optimal recovery. Return to work also needs to be discussed with your doctor. It can be tempting to get back to work quickly, but it is important that you not return to full duty until released by your doctor. Wishing you a quick recovery!


5 week ago In two wheeler accident I got injury in my right knee. After that mri scan report impressed that high grade mcl tear injury and complete acl tear. Doctor told me surgery must for acl injury and Mcl an heel 4 to 6 week. But now Dr told that surgery for mcl have also require. After 3 week of mcl surgery we wiil do it acl surgery. Now in my knee pain and sweeling are very low and now my keen are stable and after excersice knee has move. Now in circumstances what is suggestion for me about surgery of acl and mcl.


    We are unable to give a suggestion for treatment without a proper evaluation. I would recommend getting a second opinion if you have questions about surgery. Your doctor will need to evaluate your knee and review your MRI and other imaging before giving any recommendation for treatment. I would also recommend being extremely cautious with exercise, even though your pain and swelling have gone down, until you are able to get a second opinion. I hope this helps!


it has been about a year and a half since my surgery and a little over 8 months since i have stopped physical therapy. i do often have pain and swelling still because i am active but when they say do whatever your physical therapist says to do they mean it! to be honest it was very dreadful sometimes to put the work in but in the end it is so worth it. it sucked not being able to be as active but from all of the support i had from everyone is the best and it made me push to work hard. surprisingly i had a quick recovery. it’s hard work but don’t give up! it gets better.


Hi, is it possible for me to tear my ACL vertically? I’m told that my MRI has revealed a vertical tear as opposed to horizontal. How best do I resolve this? The doctors are saying they have never seen anything like it and I’m scared it is the end of my soccer career. Please help.


    Typically a vertical tear is seen in the meniscus, but I would check with the surgeon that ordered the MRI to make sure he is indeed talking about an ACL tear. It is difficult to give you more information and a prognosis without access to your MRI or without a physical exam. I would recommend that you follow up with your orthopedic surgeon to discuss treatment options for you. Wishing you all the best!


Is it possible to re-tear an acl repair in your sleep? I woke up and I think my acl became disconnected from the screws? Is this even possible?


      Typically the mechanism for an ACL tear is a non-contact pivoting/twisting injury or from a forceful contact or direct blow to the knee. While it would be unusual to rupture your ACL in your sleep, it is difficult to say for sure without an examination or thorough history. ACL injuries usually occur when one’s foot is firmly planted on the ground, which is not the case during sleep. However, if you are concerned or experiencing knee pain, swelling, or instability, I would recommend following up with your orthopedic surgeon.


Hello, I had acl reconstruction for a grade 3 tear and they removed ~20% of the meniscus. I am 3 weeks post-op and I am getting very concerned that something is wrong because I still can’t bend my knee more than ~40 degrees. When it comes to extension everything seems ok, but when I get near the ~40 degree flexion there is intense pain at the bottom of my kneecap. The pain gets even worse if I point my foot up at all while bending my knee. Additionally, my knee and foot are still quite swollen. Please let me know if you think there may be something wrong or if this is somewhat common. (just a btw, I’m a 19 year-old male athlete, if that info means anything)


    ACL recovery is a process. Many patients experience mild swelling for many weeks after surgery. Your Physical Therapist should be working with you to obtain full range of motion, though this will also take time. Extension is often focused on first, followed by flexion, with the goal to ultimately return the patient to their previous activity level. If you are concerned about your swelling or range of motion, I would recommend discussing these concerns with your orthopedic surgeon and/or Physical Therapist. They can give you a more detailed idea of what to expect at each stage of recovery. Wishing you a quick recovery.


I had a surgery on 16th of july, 2020 of ACL reconstruction (hamstring graft), and meniscus repair too.
Everything was fine but from yesterday I’m having pain on the medial side of my knee whenever I put weight on it.
I have been following their programs and what not.
Is it because I’m pushing myself or is there any other reason. Kindly guide me a bit, I’ll be very thankful to you.


    Do you recall re-injuring the knee since surgery? Pain in the knee can have multiple causes. I would recommend reaching out to your orthopedic surgeon again for an evaluation. Are you still attending Physical Therapy? If so, mention this to your therapist as well. They can help you determine if it is due to your activity level, or something more. Until you are able to see someone, refrain from strenuous activity to avoid injury/ACL tear, which is often the result of poor leg stability or control. Wishing you the best!


Hi there! I had an ACL tear (70%) from a skiing accident, 10 years ago. Was told the two options were surgery or to let it heal naturally if I wasn’t “needing to ski” for a season or two (& because it’s just recreational skiing I do, I opted the natural healing) and orthopaedic specialist said there would likely be less scar tissue if it healed naturally. I was able to ski for about 6 years after a few years of healing, and now in the past few, my knee was feeling quite compromised after a 1/2 day of skiing and thought I’d best not push it, so given up skiing for the last 2 years. Talked to the orthopaedic surgeon and he recommended it’s time to do the ACL repair…but then said I likely would never ski again?! That is the whole reason I’m doing the surgery, so I can do the sports etc again with stability! I was so shocked by his comment, that I couldn’t even speak! And unfortunately intimidated & speechless by his horrible bedside manner that I couldn’t bring myself to ask what he meant! I don’t have any pain (unless I over do things, like hiking, or turn wrong, or on my feet a lot etc, then have minor pain and swelling), so with his comment, and all I’ve read about how major the recovery (& complications) can be from ACL surgery, I am thinking maybe it’s not worth it (if he feels I won’t be able to ski anyway?! I am so torn as to what to do, but have been advised that getting the surgery now is better as I’m not getting any younger and will likely cause issues down the road anyway and better to heal when you are younger than older?! I’m in my early 50’s. Any thoughts or suggestions?


    The goal after surgery is typically to help you return to the activities you want to do. ACL reconstruction is typically a 9-month recovery, but afterwards you should be able to return to normal activity. It’s difficult to give any advice without seeing your MRI (or other imaging), but most patients opt for surgery if they aren’t able to continue with activities they want to do, and typically, patients can return to activity after surgery. If you want to avoid surgery you could try skiing with a brace, as long as the knee doesn’t continue to feel unstable or cause too much pain. I would also recommend getting a second opinion before moving in any direction with treatment. Hope this information is helpful.


Im 6 weeks post-op on ACL and MCL surgery. What should I expect on my comfort level? I’m not taking medicine anymore for pain because it’s important for me to feel what is happening during therapy… but I feel my therapist expects more from me… I can bend to a 90 degree slowly with much pain to get there.. will my leg ever bend like my other leg? Also… my strength in my thigh is GONE! To the point where when my leg is bent over the side of the bed I can not lift my leg straight… is this normal? I can do straight leg raises but not bending to straight or straight to bend. I only bend with gravity. Any insight or related issues welcomed ✌


    Pain and weakness after ACL/MCL surgery is expected. 6-weeks post-op is still early. Follow the guidelines and exercises laid out by your physical therapist. It can be difficult, but it is their job to help you obtain as much mobility as possible. Most Physical therapists have tried and true protocols to get you back to where you want to be after surgery. If you are concerned about the lack of strength in that leg, I would recommend discussing this with your doctor. We hope this helps and wishing you a quick recovery.


Have my ACL replace and my meniscus fix (25% was removed due to a flap) yesterday.
With the nerve block I’ve been able to do the exercises prescribed (leg raises, straight the knee And squeeze the quads and foot movements) , first time doing those hurt but every hour that I’ve been doing them they been hurting less and less.
I’m also walking with crutches every 2 hours in the house to keep the blood flooding, and trying to put weight on the knee.
I recommend to do a little bit every hour or 2 but keep moving and put weight on it with crutches of course and you’ll be surprise of how fast it’s improving!

The only annoying thing is the night sleep with the brace is uncomfortable but I was ready for couple of rough days so hopefully I’ll be getting better sleep soon as it is very important for recovery!

I’m on pain killers every 4 hours and I have ice machine keep my knee cold 90% of the time so inflammation is not so bad.


Hello, back in May 2020 I injured myself on a motocross(dirt bike) track. MRI shows partial ACL tear, partial MCL tear and both medial and lateral meniscus tears of my LEFT knee. After seeing a sports doctor her advice was that surgery wasn’t needed and to follow a strict rehab protocol and I would be ok. I pushed for a second opinion and requested a consultation with the surgeon who did my ACL reconstruction of my RIGHT knee 1 1/2 years prior.
After seeing the surgeon he informed me that the ACL was about 80% torn and that I should have it and the meniscus repaired.
I have full range of motion, very little if any swelling, and very little pain. The knee feels fairly stable and I work on it every single day. I’ve had only one time recently that I MIGHT have had a slight “giving away” feeling but I was being fairly aggressive with it.
My question is, should I be getting surgery to repair it like the surgeon said or go without like the sports doc suggested?
I live a very active lifestyle and can be very aggressive on my knees.
I’m tempted to go without surgery and focus on a strict rehab since surgery takes me out of sports for 9-12 months but I worried that it might not be the best approach.
To date the strict rehab approach is working great but the thought of surgery is always lingering in my mind.
Any thoughts or opinions?


    When considering surgery your Sports Medicine doctor and Orthopedic Surgeon will try to help you weigh factors such as age, activity level, etc., to determine if surgery is the best option. Your Orthopedic Surgeon might be weighing the risk of further wear and tear on the cartilage without ACL surgery. Ultimately, only you can decide which course of treatment is best for you. If you are still unsure, consider getting a third opinion. All the best!


I had surgery on my right knee acl, mcl, and meniscus in February this year due to a car accident and it’s been a few months and I still can’t get past a little more than 90 or it goes down to the 80’s. I didn’t do much in rehabilitation because I was new to this I then received therapy at home when I was discharged which was a lot of pain but they did tell me it was because I didn’t do anything in rehabilitation. after my visits ran out I started going to out therapy it was hard but until recently I did the dry needling procedure and it has helped a lot but the pain never goes away so I might stop doing that. Is there any other procedure I should do? I’m seeing my surgeon in October and he will tell me if I will need Manipulation under anesthesia and he will be removing scar tissue I believe what should I do to avoid this?


    At this point, considering your surgery was in February, one option to try is aggressive ROM therapy. Overall, I would suggest following your doctors recommendation for treatment. If you are concerned, consider getting a second opinion for treatment options. Wishing you the best.


Hello, I had ligament injury in Nov 19. Post MRI, I found it was complete tear of ACL , Grade 1 tear in PCL and LCL. Took 2 months rest and was able to walk properly. Could not undergo surgery for some reason till date.
As on 10 Sep 20, am able to walk properly, cycle, run(started 1 wk before – 1.5 km max).
Yesterday, a friend of mine told its not good to run with a ACL tear

So, wanted to ask, is it recommended to run or not?
Am not having pain while running or post run.


    If you had surgery you should follow your physicians guidelines for return to activity. Recovery/return to sports following ACL reconstruction can be anywhere between 6-12 months, and it’s important to support the body as it heals after surgery. Your Physical Therapist can also guide you through safely returning to sports. Hope this helps.


I had ACL reconstruction surgery in Feb 2020 with using a donor graft. I am regretting it now. I feel my knee is not as flexible and i can’t straighten it all the way. This is with 50 physical therapy sessions and home exercises. Is this common with a donor graft? I should have used my own tendon graft. Two weeks ago, my surgeon advised on a manipulation surgery to clear out some of the scar tissues which will help me with my leg extensions. Do you think this will help? I really don’t want another surgery. Also, not being able to walk normally, is creating very bad lower back pains. Ugh! Please advise your recommendation.


    Flexibility typically isn’t dependent upon graft choice. The expectation after surgery, regardless of the graft used, should be to regain full range of motion and strength. Manipulation can help in many situations, if physical therapy has failed to restore full range of motion. If you can’t achieve full extension, especially if it’s interfering with your daily activities, I would recommend following up with your surgeon to discuss options. Hope this helps!


    How did you end up healing now, Cathy?
    I am due to have donor in a few weeks and still can’t make a full decision. I’m 41 and was an avid hiker before this. Now, I’m in bed all
    The time gaining weight! Living in the Rockies, it’s brutal. Thank god I work from home. I’ve gained About 30 pounds since I did this 3 years ago
    I just want it over with but don’t want to have to have surgery again. I went to get back to hiking and being healthy


Hello I’m 11 days out of ACL surgery, pateller graft and partial meniscus. I’m having trouble with my prescription. First my Surgen prescribed me 40pills but the pharmacy only filled 28. I had to call the surgeons office for refill. This time pharmacy only gave me 15. I’m still 3 days till my 14day post op. Should I call for a refill again? I feel this is excessive.

My next question is am I taking to many. I’m taking as prescribed. I was taking 2 ever 4-6hours. Now I take 2 in the morning one in the afternoon and 2 before bed. Lately I’ve been able to skip the afternoon dosage and down to 1 pill before bed. I’m following surgeons directions but seem like I’m running out every few days since my prescription are barely getting filled.

My last question is cramping. My hamstring and quad on my operated leg keeps cramping I think mainly due to the brace. My neck is extremely stiff from rough sleeping and my shoulders feel like they have rocks in them. Any advice would be great! Thank you.


    It would be hard for us to determine if you are taking too many pills as each person has a different pain tolerance. If you feel it is excessive, or that you are running out too soon, this is definitely a discussion you need to have with your physician.
    In many cases, prescription pain medication can be supplemented and/or eventually replaced with over the counter NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen. It is important to talk to your doctor before taking any new medications though.
    As for your last question, heat or ice can be helpful for stiff neck muscles, along with gentle range-of-motion exercises. If you have started Physical Therapy, discuss a few exercises you can do for your neck/shoulders with your Physical Therapist. Sleep should improve as your healing progresses. Hope this helps!


Hello I’m 11 days out of ACL surgery, pateller graft and partial meniscus debridement. I’m having a couple issues. First I was prescribed 40x- 5mg Oxycodone but the pharmacy only filled 28. I had to call the doctor after 4 days to get more. This time I only received 15. Why won’t the Pharmacy fill my prescription completely. So again I’m out and 3 days away from my 14 day post opp appointment. Do I call for another refill? Am I taking to many? I’ve been taking 2 in the morning 1 in the afternoon. Depending on my pain at night 1 or 2 before bed. I’ve been able to skip the afternoon dose but it still seems like I’m running out quickly.

My other issue is cramping. I’ve been doing okay sleeping taking pain meds right before bed but I can’t find a comfortable sleep. My shoulder feel like there’s rocks in then and my neck pinches every other night. It just extremely still all the time now. Stretching just seems to make it worse. I’m also now starting to experience cramping on my quad and the side of my hamstring on the leg of the surgery. I think this is due to the brace?

Sorry so long but any advise will help.


    There can be many reasons the pharmacy is only filling part of your prescription; one reason could be that this is the amount your insurance allows/covers. It would be best to call the pharmacy for an explanation.
    You could also try calling your doctor for clarification on the prescription. If it is an insurance issue, your doctor can try prescribing a different brand/type of medication.
    As for the brace, let your doctor know it is causing your leg to cramp. They may be able to adjust the brace. All the best!


I am 6 weeks post ACL repair using a cadaver tendon as replacement. I only have pain when I sleep. It can be sharp shooting pain when I am turing over in my sleep or it can feel like all the muscles are locking up or tightening. Is this normal or is there something wrong?


    6-weeks post op is still pretty early after surgery. Unless you’ve had a re-injury, it is likely pain from your procedure. I would recommend voicing your concerns with your doctor and continuing with rehabilitation. Hope this helps.


In 2015, I strained the MCL longboarding (and likely ACL too), but make a “full recovery” for both within a couple of months. Pain-free and full mobility. Since 2017, my activity levels dropped, making the protection of my muscle less sufficient.

In Nov 2019, I began to experience some nagging medial knee pain, I suffered a few flare-ups from certain movements, but they never got to be too much or last more than a week so I never got medical help. I skied over the winter a few times and by April, I was 90% pain-free and back to a more active lifestyle of hiking & walking. July 2020 I tweaked something in my left knee (likely patella subluxation) that slowed me down & has since caused both knees to explode with pain to the point of inability to walk over a mile or do stairs w/o pain.

I am just starting PT to regain strength after letting the injuries cool down, but worry that my loose ACL / MCL (everything is intact according to recent MRI, but physical exam shows that both are more flexible than expected) will hold me back and limit my recovery. Do I sound like I might need replacement / reconstruction, or possibly another form of treatment?


    It would be hard to recommend treatment, especially a replacement/reconstruction, without a proper evaluation and review of the MRI results. Since you have started Physical Therapy already, I would discuss recovery expectations with your Physical Therapist. If you haven’t seen a doctor, I would also recommend getting in to see an orthopedic knee specialist to properly evaluate your knee and help you determine if surgery is beneficial or not.


Hello. I had ACL reconstruction and partial lateral meniscectomy on 08/28/20. I started PT and AAROM during PT on 08/31/20 was at 90 and after PT measured 114. Extension was pretty good per PT. Told to go ahead and weight bear as tolerated, full WB ok as long as I had my brace on. No need to use crutches or crutch if I am at home WB with brace. I did everything as instructed. Doing my HEP. Today I fell while wearing my brace locked in extension. It simply gave out. Felt like a noodle and I fell. I’m 4 days out, what are the odds of me retearing my ACL? My knee is very swollen now and feels hot. Did not feel a pop. I’m concerned I may have retorn. Going to PT tomorrow. I’m able to AAROM but barely to 45. I feel d/t significant swelling. I’m just so concerned I may have retorn my ACL. What are your thoughts? Thank you.


    My suggestion would be to let your PT know about the fall and get in to see your doctor. Your doctor will want to re-evaluate your knee and possibly get more imaging. Wishing you a quick recovery.


I had surgery on my acl almost exactly a year ago. Recently I’ve been having this sharp pain at the upper outside part of my knee and sometimes the lower inside. It tends to happen following a day where I do some strengthening exercises for my knee and lasts a couple days and only hurts when straightening my knee. At first I wasn’t worried but know that it is recurring it is starting to concern me.


    Any time you have sharp pain, or your knee/shoulder/ankle/etc. doesn’t feel like it usually does, we recommend you get in to see an orthopedic specialist. It’s always better to be safe and avoid any potential further injury.


I believe I have suffered from an MCL injury from a golf swing, when I did a down swing and the body weight shift from the right leg to the left leg, my left leg knee twisted and I fell to the ground when I heard a popping sound around the knee and couldn’t stretched my leg at that time. I consulted a Chinese bone setter and applied Chinese liquid medicine on both sides of the left knee. It’s a physical therapy process. It’s been 5 days since the fall and the popping sound disappears but I can’t rotate my left knee from the left to the right. Please advise .


    If you still don’t have full range of motion after an injury, I recommend you get in to see an orthopedic knee specialist. At the very least, you may need x-rays to assess the injury. All the best!


I just had my surgery yesterday on August 12 and I didn’t find out until,6 months later that I a torn ACL and a fractured thigh bone but my doctor refer me to another doctor after 6 months can call a lawyer the first doctor only use the x-ray from the er can I talk to a lawyer the other doctor he referred me to did an x-ray and a MRI what should I do


    Being a doctor’s office we are unable to provide any recommendation for legal counseling. We hope the surgery went well. Please let us know if you have any additional ACL questions! Best of luck.


Hi, i am 3 weeks post op from a ruptured acl reconstruction. the graphs that my surgeon used was from my hamstring. the rehab is going well and i’m able to get a significant amount of flexion 110-120degrees already. However what i’m concerned about is my extension. My knee barely even touches the 0degree mark when I push down on it and is always at a five degree bend. Is that something to worry about that will go over time, or is there something I have to do about it?


    At 3-weeks post op, your knee should only keep improving. If you are seeing a Physical Therapist they will help you work towards full extension, with time. If you are not working with a PT, we highly recommend you start. Overall, it’s not anything to worry about at 3-weeks post-op. As always, follow your doctors specific protocol for post-surgery rehabilitation for optimal recovery. All the best.


    Now how are you brother – same thing happening to me


I got injured my knee a year back and took rest for 3weeks after the incident. I did not realise that it is a knee injury so i continued my routine life. But i observed that my knee is unstable and getting pain while doing the quick actions. I contacted doctor and went for MRI scan. Doctor confirmed that i had an ACL tear and needs surgery as my knee is not unstable. I am taking good care to avoid such knee unstable causing actions now and doing all of my daily routines without any problem. My only worry is that its been so long from my knee injury happened. Will it give the good results if i go surgery now?


    As long as you have maintained your knee strength you should have a good outcome with surgery even though it has been a few years since your injury.
    There are lots of on-line knee strengthening programs.


      Thanks for the response. Can i avoid surgery if i maintain good knee strength? My doctor did not say about the knee strength excersice. As per doctor, my ACL Is complete tear and getting pain while making the quick actions so needs to go for the surgery.


        We are unable to tell you if you can/can’t avoid surgery without an evaluation of your knee. These would be good questions to ask your doctor, including where you can find knee strengthening exercises. Or you can search for exercises on YouTube or contact a Physical Therapist.


I have complete tear of ACL, MCL and PCL. Please guide me doctor what will be the next step to heal them. If surgery thn how many ? And after surgery how much time it will take to start walking?


    We would be happy to give you a doctor recommendation, if we know one in your area. Where are you located?


      My ACL and MCL were completely torn . I had undergone an ACL and a MCL surgery . They reconstructed my ACL. After a year , my knee was unstable. So they fixed an anchor to keep it stable . After 4 months of physiotherapy it got better . But eventually it gradually started to loosen up. Now my question is can I continue my sports (long jump ) . My knee is unstable right now .Would my injury actually get cured ?


        You should be evaluated by an orthopedic knee specialist before returning to sports if your knee is currently unstable, to ensure you will not do more damage to the knee.


      Hello, i have mri after injury on 4th march 2021. Report is acl tear near tibial attachment site.and grade 2 mild to moderate maniscus tear. Partial disruption of medial patellar retinaculum. I was wearing brace while i walk till 22nd march. Today on 2nd April 2021 i have pain while i bend my leg, while i wake up from bed or chair, while i walk i can not walk with my injured leg. I have to just drag it with next leg. Swelling and sharp pain when i squats little. What i do next?


        Our next step recommendation is to find an orthopedic knee specialist and set up an appointment.


I had acl reconstruction done 5 days ago (second time, first one was 10 years ago and then I recently fell and prob twisted my knee on impact). Surgery went well,no pain. Not needing crutches for 2 days but using ice machine and brace while walking. Is it ok to use only brace, no crutches ?


    Thank you for your question. We always recommend following your surgeon’s instructions for optimal recovery. Some surgeons will recommend full weight bearing (with the brace locked in full extension) within a few hours of going home. Other surgeons will recommend gradual weight bearing as tolerated. There are exceptions to these recommendations, where weight bearing needs to be restricted for several weeks. In general, you should be fine walking with the brace as tolerated. Always double check with your surgeon’s office though. Wishing you a quick recovery!


I ruptured & fully tore my acl, & have 2 tears in the meniscus. It took 2 weeks just to get the results & see the orthopedic. He says i can do surgery or therapy & try to heal that way. Im more confused now. Family is saying do the surgery can you tell me is there a way to heal & get back to normal with just the therapy


    Some people can avoid surgery after an ACL tear with modified physical activity and rehabilitation therapy. Physical therapy has been shown to ease the symptoms of a torn ACL and strengthen the muscles to help stabilize the knee joint. This is usually the case with minor tears though, whereas full ACL tears almost certainly require surgery. It is also important to note that Physical Therapy(PT) doesn’t necessary heal the meniscus tears either, but helps prevent stiffness and increases strength while the injury heals. We are unable to recommend surgery or PT without seeing the imaging of your knee. Each tear needs to be evaluated by an Orthopedic Surgeon to determine the best course of treatment. Ultimately, we would recommend getting a second opinion to help clear up any confusion. Wishing you the best!


Hello,It’s being 6weeks after my acl reconstruction and meniscus repair. My doctor have recommended me to walk using one crutches but, while walking I feel instability. Is this a problem or it happens in initial period of walking?


    Instability is common after surgery – your knee brace can help immensely here. Have you started Physical Therapy? Beginning a PT program can also greatly help you regain mobility and strength after surgery. Though instability is common, listen to your body and gradually increase your mobility to avoid injury.


Hi dr
I had my acl surgery on 22 nov 2019. And before I was walking ok and now when I walk normal as well my middle of foot is paining near my ankle and I cant walk properly why is that. Sometime I feel ok and sometime I feel pain in my foot


    Have you seen a podiatrist or foot and ankle specialist yet?


I use a pillow between my legs and roll my whole body as one unit to lay on my side. I am 8 days out of ACL graph and MCL scope. Trust me I completely understand the discomfort. Top of my knee is still swollen like a softball.


Hello, I just did my ACL and medial meniscus reconstruction surgery last Sunday. So far so good, just the discomfort and the new normal (crutches, brace and all in between). My only issue is I can’t sleep. I’m not a back sleeper. I wish I can sleep on my side. But dunno how to do it…


    Hey, just had my Acl and meniscus repaired today. I am having trouble sleeping. I don’t normally sleep on my back. I was considering just going on my side and still keep it elevated with a pillow. Is this something I should try or do you have any ideas?


      You can try switching to your side with a pillow between your legs, if that helps relieve the pain. Unfortunately, sleep disruption after ACL surgery is common. Depending on your surgeon’s instructions, you can also try icing before you go to bed. The first few days are the toughest though, so hang in there. Call your surgeon if you’re not getting any sleep and they can give you detailed instructions or prescribe a sleep aid.


    Hey..I too had gone under the same surgery…How are you now with ur knee??


In my acl reconstruction surgery Only one pin is visible in one month post operative x ray . Pin is not attached to bone and there is no screw in lower bone . Is it successful operation?


    It is difficult to say without seeing your x-rays and medical records. I would recommend a second opinion, if you are worried about the information and outcome. Some physicians can give you a second opinion via telehealth appointments.


My thigh muscle are too weak after acl reconstruction surgery it’s about one month my doctor suggest me don’t do exercise till one month. Is that good for my knee?


    Has your doctor referred your to a Physical Therapist?


I completely torn my acl 8 months ago now I do acl reconstruction surgery with patella tendon,my surgeon tell me not put weight, bend and not do exercise till one month. Is that good for my knee?



    It is recommended to follow your Physician’s advice post surgery. They typically have a protocol in place for optimal recovery. Once they have cleared your for exercise, they will often refer you to a Physical Therapist for a guided and supervised recovery plan. If you have concerns about the length of immobility, I suggest bringing up these concerns with your doctor. They can discuss your recovery plan with you and explain their recommendations. Each patient needs a tailored recovery plan based on their injury and surgery.


Hi! I injured my right knee from playing volleyball. Xray finding is suspected lutency of arterior and proximity area. What does this mean? Thanks.


    Hi Calvin. It is difficult to tell exactly what is going. A lucency is an area of bone on x-ray that is less dense than the rest of the bone. I would recommend seeing an orthopaedic surgeon for evaluation. All the best, Dr. Gibbs.


I just got my ACL and Meniscus repaired and it’s been a month and I’ve going to physical therapy and been doing everything they’ve told me. They say my progress is good from where I’m at. I started walking on it on my third week and it’s doing better I could bend not all the way but there’s some bending in there. But I have some questions to ask if you don’t mind.


    We will try to answer any questions you have. If you would like to speak to a doctor about your questions, please call our office @ 435-615-8822


    I fell down some stairs back 9/2/2021 tearing MCL and ACL Ortho provide physical therapy 2 x’s week been on PT since October 2021 i went from couldn’t bend knee to bending knee at 115 degree. I right knee at times feels like it wants to give out and I have a hard time getting up from a kitchen chair. Its now end of Feb 2022 Ortho has opt to do Surgery as soon as possible. he’s like you can stay like you are or go to surgery and recovery is about 9 months and he’s like the surgery is painful.. I just want to be normal again. Do you think surgeon waited all long time.


      Hi Denise,
      Waiting to treat your ACL tear surgically should not ultimately change the outcome of your surgery or recovery. It is actually very common to wait a few weeks or so after injury so the patient may work on knee range of motion and allow the swelling to subside prior to surgery, otherwise you could come out of surgery with a stiff knee. It should not matter that it has been a few months since your injury. Good luck!


Specialist said i tore my ACL. Had MRI done yesterday. Will see surgeon in 5 days. So you’ll be hearing a lot from me. Lol

I can only bend my knee at 30 degrees? 100 would be a fully bent back knee with heel to thigh.

Question is should I keep trying daily to bend knee as much as possible. AND do i still need to keep leg elevated most of day?


    We’re glad you were able to see a specialist and obtain an MRI.
    As for moving and elevating the leg, we would recommend sticking with your surgeons instructions. They will give you guidelines on when it is safe to begin exercise the knee and what can be done in-between. Wishing you a quick and full recovery! Let us know if you have any other questions.


Hi, I am an avid hiker and pretty much do it everyday. I had a Right knee ACL (patellar tendon)with meniscus repair back in 1996. Everything has been well. Last week I was on a 13 mile hike and half way I felt a pop, crack lots of pain in my right knee. I was not doing anything! I had just stopped to get water and right knee extended turned and down I went. I was in remote area and had to hike out for the remaining 6 miles.
MRI shows, Torn MCL don’t know degree, ACL graft is torn.
I have been icing my right knee, no swelling and it becomes sore with any amount of walking. Unstable on the inner knee medial side.
I am scared to have surgery again. I figure a revision surgery is more complex. Do I need surgery? I am 58 and in physical condition.
I was also just diagnosed with Osteopenia is that going to be an issue? I have been researching surgeons that do knee revisions.


    I’m sorry to hear about your injury. That sounds painful, especially the 6 mile hike back out.
    We wouldn’t know to what extent treatment is needed without seeing your knee and images. A full exam by an orthopedic knee specialist would be recommended. Are you in the Salt Lake or Park City, Utah area? Perhaps we can recommend an orthopedic surgeon specializing in revision for you to get a comprehensive exam and advice.


    Hi – can I ask what you ended up doing? I re-tore my ACL doing ‘nothing ‘ 3 yes post op also. I just had second reconstruction and also the ALL was augmented. I am looking for advice on how NOT to get here again! I am 59..


I’m 4 months post ACL and MCL surgery and have been doing physical therapy obsessively with fantastic results so far. My best advice for anyone recovering is to take your PT seriously.


    Great advice, Mike! Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you’re recovering well, keep up the good work!


      I just had ACL and meniscus repair/surgery yesterday… my surgeon said he cut a piece of my hamstring off for the ACL repair…. I just want to know what my next couple of weeks are going to look like? (Pain wise)


        Pain can vary patient to patient. Your surgeon can give you a detailed plan of recovery and tell you what to expect. Complete recovery from ACL repair can take up to 9 months, but needs to be discussed and evaluated on a case-by-case basis.


    💯 – I tore my left ACL 20 years ago when I was 16, and just had reconstructive surgery 3 weeks ago on my right from a skiing accident. I am realizing how minimal my injuries were after reading everyone’s posts. Only acl tears with minor lateral cartilage bruising.

    Follow your PT’s words to a T! They legit Doctors of Physical Therapy with 4 years undergraduate and 3 years post graduate.

    You can have the most talented, world class orthopedic surgeon operating, but if you don’t do the rehab, you won’t reap the benefits of their work nor get back to your normal life. It’s not easy, and it’s not quick, but it’s worth it!


I am having my acl revision, during my first surgery hamstring graft was used but now BPTB is being used please can you tell me the bones taken from front of knee cap heals or not


    Hi Aryan. The bone from the donor site in the patella typically fills with bone and scar tissue. Often a patient is unable to notice any defect or pain from the surgery in this area. All the best! -Dr. Gibbs


I had my acl and meniscus repaired 18 days ago. In the last 2 days I’ve felt a sort of stuck feeling, (like when my knee would start to lock up when I first tore my meniscus) when I do flexion exercises. I’m only cleared to do slight flexion exercises, I have done nothing that pushes my knee to the point of pain. Not sure if this stuck feeling is normal or if I buggered up my meniscus.


    Did they repair the meniscus or “trim” the meniscus? Either way it is unlikely the meniscus. Keep working on range of motion. Sometimes the swelling in the joint can cause that feeling.


      I have also getting same feeling it’s became 2months of my acl and miniscus surgery i also feel little bit stuck in knee and sometimes from that stuck small sound comes out is that normal or my operation was not done properly
      I’m so worried about it


        If you are having stiffness or pain after surgery, I would recommend following up with your surgeon. Knee stiffness can have many causes. If you are having painless popping I wouldn’t be too concerned, but if you have associated pain with the popping I would recommend getting in to see your doctor. If you are worried about your recovery after surgery you could also consider getting a second opinion. Hope this helps.


2months after my ACL, PCL and meniscus reconstruction of right knee, my leg is still so stiff, achived only 90°.
Is there any complication??
Can I achive full range atleast 150° in 20days..If Yes How???


    There is some concern for such limited flexion after 2 months post op. I find that active hamstring contractions/strengthening is vital in restoring flexion. Besides just passively moving your knee into flexion be sure to be working those hamstrings into flexion. A prone hamstring machine might be of benefit. It is going to take a lot of hard work to get to 150 degrees in 20 days. If you live in the Park City or Salt Lake area I would be happy to demonstrate the exercises in person. John Flint


    Do graston technique… it will give instant range of motion… i am 16 days post operation of my ACL surgery and i can bend 110 degrees already without pain… i could bend 95 degrees just on the 14th day… believe me Graston technique is the best treatment ever.


      Where did you have your surgery? I have an ACL & MCL total tears from skiing. I’m still getting opinions 3 weeks later. Had MRI and states both ACL & MCL are total separation on right as well as total MCL on left. I would love to know where I can get the Graston Technique performed. Thank you


    I’m having same issue acl surgery 2 weeks ago can’t fully extend and can’t bend past 90 degrees. I’m scared that I won’t regain it


      If you are concerned about your range of motion I would discuss this with your physical therapist. They can help you work towards full extension and flexion. 90 degrees of flexion (bending) at 2 weeks post-op is not uncommon, just keep focusing on your exercises. Follow your doctor’s guidelines for optimal recovery. If your situation doesn’t improve, discuss these concerns with your doctor as well. Exercise and movement are crucial during this time. Hang in there, were wishing you a speedy recovery!


I tore my ACL in my right knee and am having pain in the top to the right of my knee where the graft is. I’m 16 day’s out from surgery.. did I do something wrong and injured the graft?


    Pain after surgery can be normal. Have your had a post-operative appointment yet? I would recommend voicing your concerns with your surgeon and they can give you detailed advice.


      I had accident 10 April 2020. Acl pcl mil reconstruct took place on 2 May 2019. Now it’s 15 June 2020. I am still not normal. Aged 26. I can walk around but can’t do running. Or put too much weight as a normal person. How much time it take to be normal. 1.5 tonne pallet fell on my right knee.


        With that type of injury and knee reconstruction it is going to take more than 8 weeks to recover. I would expect it will be closer to 6 months. Work hard on your range of motion and strength. John


          I had a minor ACL tear, and I’m coming up on 19 weeks post-op. They had me start re-hab prior to surgery and immediately after. My range of motion is great, but I still have some pain and stiffness occasionally. I’m able to walk, sometimes with a slight limp, but completely unassisted, unless it’s stairs, then I have to hang on. It’s been a process. Be patient.

          That should be 9 weeks, not 19.

Second day after ACL RECONSTRUCTION & Meniscus repair ligament graft. Should I have pressure wraps on both legs? And, is it alright to leave Ice Machine on ALL the time?



    Thanks for your questions. Firstly, we recommend following your surgeon’s orders for post-op recovery. Pressure wrap instructions vary by patient. As for the ice machine, we typically instruct our patients to apply the ice machine in 15 minute intervals. Again, this is all subject to your medical history and your doctors specific orders. We would recommend reaching out to your surgeon’s nurse/medical assistant for detailed instructions.


I am convinced that I tore my ACL but am being treated for a torn meniscus it has been two months since my injury happened what are my chances of recovery no surgery was performed only days no MRI pain is excruciating at times


    I would recommend getting a second opinion. The doctor you see can help you obtain an MRI, or at the very least give you an Rx/order for one. Second opinions are often encouraged by most providers and many can/will even do it remotely (via Telehealth) if that is more convenient for you. I hope this helps!


      I did acl reconstruction and meniscus repair and its already been 2 and half months. Still i feel pain, swelling, clicking, pinching, locking in my left knee. Even, i am doing PT on regular basis.So, what can i do now ?


        Healing after ACL reconstruction is a process. It takes time and consistency. Although these symptoms can be due to many contributing factors, here are a few common causes:
        Locking after ACL reconstruction can be due to lack of adherence to a strict stretching routine post surgery. Popping in your knee can be due to scar tissue after surgery. It takes time for the joints to heal and begin to move smoothly again. Mild swelling is typically part of the healing process, as it is a sign of inflammation.
        Although these are the common reasons for these symptoms, there are obviously other less common scenarios, such as another knee injury. You should speak to your surgeon and physical therapist about your concerns. Make sure they are aware of your issues. If all else fails, it’s never a bad idea to get a second opinion. All the best.


          For over 13 years now I have been nursing ACL and since then I have not been adding pressure on my left knee and if I mistakenly do it’s shift off and make noise and I will feel the light pain..can still have a successful surgery after 13year managing it?

          Each ACL injury needs to be evaluated, diagnosed and treated on a case-by-case basis. You would need to consult an orthopedic knee specialist to determine the best course of treatment. In short though, it is possible/likely to have a successful ACL surgery years after the initial injury. Hope this helps!

          How normal is if for your hamstring and calf to twitch and spazz out? Mines been doing it quite a bit since my surgery this morning

          Muscle spasms are common after surgery. If you are concerned you should reach out to your surgeon. All the best.

          I am 12 weeks after my ACL operation and I still cannot fully straighten my knee. Is that normal, and what is the cause?

        Pls bro I also had ACL injury May I know how much u did the surgery so that I can no my estimate to start with


          Around 1.25 lakhs INR

          $75000 dollars is what it cost me start to finish

          Mine altogether was $17.9k USD. I am a government employee so I paid $0 out of pocket however.

          The price for surgery depends on where you are having it done, the doctor doing it, the facility it is being done in, and the insurance plan. Unfortunately, it really varies from person to person. The best thing to do is contact your insurance company and get your benefit details. They can usually give you a quote or ballpark estimate of surgery cost with your selected surgeon.

        me too, this is my 4th week post op acl and meniscus reconstruction, and i still cant bend my knee to 60 degrees, i dont know if this is normal


          I do not think so.. i tore my acl and miniscus last year and i was far past that. And this ear i tore my other acl miniscus and mcl in my other knee. I am coming up to 2 weeks post op and i can bend it to 93


          Im having the same problem. Its now going for the 6th week and I can only manage around 40 degrees currently. My kneen is still very swollen. Could the swelling also be reason why it might be difficult to bend the knee a bit more than what i currently am able to?

          Very normal as long as you been doing your workouts and going consistently to pt.

          I had ACL reconstruction with an allograft 11am s ago. 24 hours after surgery I had my first pt. 100% extension and 110° flexion. I think it varies person to person.

          Hello, I just had the same surgery it’s been 5 weeks and honestly I walked more than I should have this week and feel a bit stress, should I worry?

          Hi Belle,
          I would not worry, but listen to your body. If you have any increased pain or new pain, you should get in to see the doctor that did your surgery to make sure no damage has incurred. Make sure you are following the guidelines your doctor laid out for you when preparing your for surgery to ensure you do not return to any activities that could be detrimental to your recovery.

          I’m almost 2 weeks post op from ACL replacement and repair of a bucket handle tear on my meniscus and I was prescribed a CPM Machine that slowly bends my knee. I highly recommend looking into one of these. I can already bend my knee more than 60 degrees

          I did both knees it’s free
          Thank god I live in Canada

        How are you feeling now a year later ? I’m in the same boat had both ACL and meniscus repair and I’m 2 months post surgery and I can’t straighten my leg and I can MAYBE bend it to 90 degrees ( very painful )


          If you had your meniscus repaired and not just shaved, this is completely normal. My daughter had her meniscus repaired in October. She was completely non-weight bearing for 6 weeks before she could even begin to walk again and start therapy. There was another student in therapy when she began, and he had only ACL repair surgery and was only a couple weeks out from it. He was able to walk on it and be doing therapy far past what she could do. She was so frustrated. She is still in therapy now, but doing so much better. At two months, she was exactly where you are right now. Hang in there and listen to your therapist. You’ll get there, it just takes time.

          I believe I responded to your comment a little while ago. If this is the correct person, I should mention my daughter had a bucket-handle meniscus tear repaired. I do not know if that is what made it such a long recovery vs a different meniscus tear.

        I am also has the same treatment. I don’t have pain and I am able to move my leg. Sometimes it also depends on your injury and damage to your knee. Keep faith and follow doctor’s advice.


        I also had the same treatment. I don’t have pain and I am able to move my leg. Sometimes it also depends on your injury and damage to your knee. Keep faith and follow doctor’s advice.


      Hey I just had surgery for my ACL (brand new they used my own parts to replace) i also had my meniscus fixed.. my MCL fixed.. we drove home after.. about 4 1/2 hour drive. I was in the back sitting up with my leg propped up.. anyways the nerve blocker is leaving my system and my knee is the size of a miniature watermelon… the pain is unreal.. ive never felt pain like this before… is it normal to experience severe swelling and severe pain 10 hours after surgery?


        Pain and swelling are normal after surgery, as pain is part of the inflammatory response to surgery. That being said, if you feel your pain is severe or intolerable, you should contact your surgeon. Express your concerns and your doctor can let you know what steps need to be taken – this will most likely include ice and elevation. We hope you heal quickly and feel better soon!


          Thank you! Actually it wasn’t the size of an watermelon it was the dressing haha
          I’m 2 months out and only able to bend 45 degrees. So my flexion is not great. …. I work on my home exercises and go to PT.. do you have any opinions on why bending my knee is so hard to do? Besides possible scar tissue

        I have the exact same thing going on. Its been 1 week in now after surgery and I can honestly say that post op was the most extreme pain I’ve ever experienced. I tore mine doing jiu jitsu.


          I tore mine at taekwondo. Been 2.5 weeks bending sucks and hurts but the thing i don’t like us 3″ above knee to my shin about 4″ across all the way down goes numb….. just as much as before surgery and twisting or pivoting even done carefully hurts. I’m stressing out thinking the quad tendon graft failed…:(

          I tore mine during taekwondo. I want to go back and continue but I am scared I can reinjur myself or tear my acl on my good knee. I’m only 8 weeks post op

          I tore mine the same way, wasn’t ideal.

          Your comment is scaring me. I just tore my ACL (complete tear) a few weeks ago and I didn’t realize how bad the prices was until I came across these comments. How long did the severe pain last?

          I tore my ACL, MCL, lateral and medial meniscus playing (ice) hockey. Happened on May 30th, had ACL reconstruction surgery August 13th after doing two-and-a-half months of physical therapy. Maybe I’ve been REALLY lucky, but I’ve had almost NO pain. Four days after surgery, I was able to put weight on my knee and walk without crutches. (No, it wasn’t a “normal” walk – it was more of a limp – and no, I couldn’t do a LOT of walking. And no, my surgeon and physical therapist did NOT “clear” me to do it!)

          Anyway, my point is that everyone is different. Don’t let fear stop you from having a surgery that will ultimately benefit you.

          PS: In case you’re thinking that I’m some kind of young, elite athlete: I’m a far chick in my early 40s playing beer league (recreational) hockey! So if I can survive this, ANYONE can. My biggest problem is that, since the surgery, I can’t sleep for more than two hours at a time.

        I only had mcl and acl reconstructed and the surgeons asked me to start bending I had the surgery one the 27th of march and it’s now april 9th it’s really hard to bend feels so stiff and my mcl park of the knee feels like somethings blocking my bending is this what you experienced?


      I got acl surgery June 30. I was doing some weight bearing pery orthopedic but since July 8th I been limping. On July 10th I can barely walk or put weight on my leg


      Hi Sir

      Firstly i tore my ACL in left knee and after rehabilitation im able to walk but run run and jog again after an year i tore my ACL in right knee. Going for rehabilitation after surgery now, is there any deficiency to cause ACL tear for both legs? And any suggestions not to tear my ACL again what and all need to skip, by the way my weight is 95kg.


        Hi Charan,
        I would suggest speaking with your surgeon and Physical Therapist on this matter. Since they have been working closely with your knee, they will have all the information needed to diagnose any possible deficiency as well as advise you on which activities you should and shouldn’t do. Speak with your doctor about possibly having some labs done as that is typically what is needed to rule out a deficiency issue. Hope this helps! Best of luck with your knees.


      Hi, I’m 7 weeks post op after having my ACL and MCL replaced….I have a cadaver bone. Apparently it was worse than what the doctor thought and surgery took 2 extra hours. Anyways it’s been 7 weeks and my husband is pushing me to go back to work and I feel like my next doctor visit, it’s in 3 days, the doctor will tell me to go back to work and I just really don’t feel like I’m ready to go back to work. We have our own business in care where I work as a dog groomer. It’s a very active environment where we are on our feet 12-14 hours a day 6 days a week. Sorry for the long question I’m just very nervous about this…any advice?
      I also do physical therapy twice a week and stick to everything they say.
      Thank you


        It is important to listen to your body as you recover, but it is also important to stay active and move as much as possible (keeping your restrictions in mind, obviously). If you are nervous about returning to long days, it doesn’t hurt to start small. Consider talking to your doctor about returning with modified duty and restrictions in place. Talk to your husband about returning for only a few hours a day and building up from there.
        It doesn’t have to be an all or nothing choice. The most important thing is to communicate your concerns with your Physical Therapist, doctor and spouse. Your support team is there to help you return to normal activity safely. Happy Healing.


        I too groom dogs. See if you can groom seated. Don’t carry dogs. Have someone at least put dog in the tub for you. Bathe, then someone put on your table where you can sit to dry and groom them. I am blessed I will have bather that will bathe and dry my dogs then put on my table for me. But you should be able to have a lil help I hope


      I just had a meniscus repair yesterday 8-29-22. I went to bathroom and kinda lost my balance and put weight on my toes. Not much. Hope it didn’t do more damage


        If you don’t notice any additional pain, or signs of injury, just bring it up with your doctor at your next post-operative appointment. Wishing you happy healing from here on out!


    They told me that I tore my meniscus I said I want an mri ended up being an acl I tore. Ask them for an mri


      So true, same happened to me. I had a torn ACL, MCL, and Meniscus. Get the MRI. Then even after that once actually doing the surgery, the meniscus was torn worse than expected, I had to have the back of me knee scrapped and the bone bruising was pretty extensive. Get the MRI.


        Your injury sounds similar to mine. Why did they scrap the back of your knee? Do you recall how much flex ion and extension you had in your knee before surgery?


        My husband has same problems, his surgery is scheduled 2 days from now. How was your recovery?


    I had the same thing happen when I tore my ACL. I went months assuming it would heal because I thought it was just my meniscus. When in doubt get a second opinion and try to get an MRI. It could be both too. I didn’t find out till after my ACL surgery, but they apparently took a piece of the meniscus too. Knees are important! Try to get it taken care of as soon as you can. Good luck!!(:


    My dr told Me I was fine a week later I went back he order an MRI and then call saying you really mess up your knee ACL and I ask him then why didn’t you listen to me the first time he said he not an orthopedics 🤦🏽‍♀️ Just had ACL surgery. Always question and tell the dr what you want done.


      Absolutely, ask lots of questions. If you feel unsure about what your doctor is telling you, ask them to clarify, request imaging, or get a second opinion. Most doctors will/should encourage all these things.


        I had acl and MCL grade 2 tear and had a surgery…I can bend my knee 110 after a month …. having physiotherapy.. I’d this goood enough to start walking after two weeks from now..also after and year will my healing be as good as before…leg complety in shape like earlier..pls advise


          The goal of any orthopedic surgeon is to get you back to normal, and as close to the way you were before surgery as possible. With that being said, each patient heals differently. Recovery depends on the surgery performed and the Orthopedist’s skill, but also heavily on Physical Therapy. You cannot get back to normal without consistent rehabilitation post-surgery. It sounds like you are taking all the necessary steps and are on your way to full recovery! Happy healing!

    My doctor did the very same thing until I was persistent I needed an MRI. Once that was done they ruled my meniscus was normal and I had shredded my acl.


    Hello, I am currently living in Slovakia and I tore my ACL while playing football. I had surgery here and they removed my ACL ligament completely but did not replace it.

    I walked home the next day. The surgery I consider to have been successful as I have no problems with stability. I feel very slight aches every now and again but I can jog cycle swim ect.

    I am very unsure on what to do though in terms of furthering my recovery even though there is no ligament there. Do I do specific exercises to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the knee? I want to continue with sports, should I continue without the ACL ligament or is this considered risky?

    It is hard for me to communicate here but I’ve been told to avoid the surgery as long as possible if my knee is stable.

    Could i please have some advice on how to continue without the ACL ligament.

    Thank you for any help!!


      Hi Jonathon,

      I am sorry to hear about your injury. The ACL provides rotational stability to the knee, especially with cutting, pivoting and twisting exercises. If an ACL deficient knee gives out with cutting/pivoting/twisting then you are at risk of irreversible damage to the cartilage and meniscus. Preventing the knee from giving out is the best recommendation for someone without an ACL. This can be done with quad and hamstring strengthening in addition to avoiding those activities that cause the knee to give out. If you have any questions or other concerns, I recommend you see an orthopaedic surgeon. – Dr. Gibbs


      You can perform sporting activities as long you dont take risks and do anyi sharp cutting motions.

      I play tennis with an ACL deficient knee + a hinged brace, football however is kinda high risk. I have been this way for about 3 years now.


    I ended up getting a second opinion after a doctor told me nothing was wrong. About 9 months later I went in to see a new doctor, come to find out I had a torn ACL and MCL. Currently recovering from full reconstruction and repairs!!


      I fell 9 feet down from a ladder and landed on my leg . It didn’t hurt it just felt warm . I got up and could walk but I lost my balance and couldn’t put weight on . I ended up in the ER 3 days later and had x ray . Doctor said I didn’t break anything but I should see a orthopedic doctor as he thought I tire my Acl. A couple of months went by and my doctor sent me for a MRI and yes it was a turn Acl. I’m 9 days PO from surgery Acl graph and damaged miniscus and calcium buildup . Knee hurts still but swelling is going down. I can bend my knee to about 70 to 75 degrees but my knee still feels stiff. I see a physio once a week and the days I don’t I do physio 3 times at home including using a Ems machine . Acl surgery isn’t a joke


        Wow!!! This same exact injury just as it happened to you, happened to me! I just had surgery 9/22/21!I had a total ACL replacement and menisectomy! I can’t straighten my knee!! I can bend it, but can’t bend past maybe 45 degrees! It’s very stiff!! No pain though! I see my dr on Friday! Second post-op! I was told in my first post-op to try and do bending exercises and straightening exercises! But no one told me exactly how I should be elevating my leg!! I’ve been putting pillows under my knee, and I’m starting to think that was a mistake!! So I’ve stopped!


    Go get 2nd opinion. That’s what they said with my 13 year old. Come to find out he was getting surgery the next week to a completely torn acl


      Hi did your 13 year old have open growth plates did they talk to you about that. My son 13 has torn his ACL and has been advised to wait due to still growing and will wait till next year


        My son is 15, and tore his ACL and lateral tear to his meniscus. His growth plates have not closed. The surgeon completed the surgery and used his quadricep tendon. He is in surgery now. I will update on the recovery which I am very nervous about.


          I am really interested in the recovery please. My 14 year old daughter tore her ACL and meniscus in November playing Rugby. She had surgery on meniscus last week and is due to have ACL reconstruction using quad tendons like your son in 8 weeks time. I am very nervous about it as she is very very sporty. How is his recovery please? Initially they werent going to do the ACL until she was 18 but this surgeon said it was the only way she could get back to playing sport. Im keeping everything crossed he’s right!

          Hey Charlotte,
          You need an ACL for any cutting or pivoting activities, so if your daughter wants to get back to playing sports then surgery is a good option for her. The meniscus will heal along with the ACL, and it ends up being the ACL that takes even longer for a full release to sports. Every surgeon has his or her own post-operative protocol, but she should be back to straight line jogging in about 3 months and cutting/pivoting activities in 6 months. However, sometimes it can take up to 9 months for a full return to sport depending on what she is trying to get back to. Her surgeon and Physical Therapist will guide her along the way. Best of luck to your daughter!

      How has your 13 year old recovered? Just got word today that my 13 year old daughter is possibly facing an ACL reconstruction surgery, just waiting on MRI to confirm.


    I’d get it fixed, but to be honest with you. This has to be one of the shittiest injury recovers someone has to go through.


      Hi did your 13 year old have open growth plates did they talk to you about that. My son 13 has torn his ACL and has been advised to wait due to still growing and will wait till next year


    Hi Linda , i was just like you i injured my knee during football and thought it was a minor injury. After 8 months i realised and felt that i need to do an MRI and the results , complete rupture of ACL , medial meniscus tear , some cartiladge problems . After the surgery , i followed all the doctors instuctions and the physiotherapists too and now after a month of surgery , i can bend my knees 110degrees and can walk without crutches or knee brace.


      Wow I’m almost one month after acl and mencious disc surgery and still lots of pain and can’t bend knee


      Is it normal walk as before injuired please


    Hi Linda, I tore my ALC in August and found out just in November. The doctors guessed MCL sprain at first, and I believed them. My knee got strong enough again where I was running a couple miles a day. It would be really sore though, so I went to get an MRI, play it safe. Showed complete ACL year and lateral meniscus tear. Just had surgery and it it’s been almost two weeks, already feeling better. Get it checked out with an MRI


      Hi Luke,
      What Dr did your surgery and what city, state is he/she in? I will go anywhere for the best ACL& MCL repair.


        If you are in the Salt Lake City or Park City, Utah area we are happy to help!


      Same thing happened to me. I had a skiing accident and went to urgent care. The doctor was super great and told me it was likely an mcl sprain after my x-ray came back clear. He said if it gets a lot better it is likely nothing serious. Six weeks go by, my knee feels strong and pretty stable, so I went to my first full 100% practice and one wrong step and my knee gave out. We got and MRI a couple days later and I found out I completely tore my ACL, partially tore my PCL and LCL, and sprained my MCL. I also have lots of mild bone bruising and some soft tissue bruising. I’m not currently in a lot of pain, but I do feel some low grade constant pain. I am waiting on an orthopedist appointment. I am so anxious about the surgery and the recovery. I know it will be really long and challenging. Any advice?


        X-ray can only take the pic of your bone not all details inside your knee such as tear of ACL, Meniscus or MCL… so since I got my first surgery I went to urgent care and took X-ray and the doctor said that I had an MCL sprain and then until I asked my friend ( he is an eye doctor) and he told me X-ray does not provided enough details and he required me to go and take an MRI. And then I started to get an appointment with MRI like a 2 weeks after my X-ray and it’s turned out I have an MRI torn! And now I’m on my first week after surgery and everything is fine right now .


        I’m here to find out what happened after the orthopedic consult and if you have surgery. I have similar injuries to yours and I’m to have surgery in about 2 weeks. I’m a little nervous




      Thanks all for your great comments – very helpful to read through. One of the questions from this group was how long can you wait between ACL rupture and surgery… well, in my case it seems to be >30years! I badly twisted my knee all that time ago (before MRIs were common) and only really received physio to recover back then… however every few years would “twist my knee” again and be limping for a couple weeks then ok again. As one of these twists happened a few weeks ago and effects did not just wear off this time, I went to specialist and had MRI etc. Diagnosis was completely ruptured ACL and large meniscus tear. Now I am day 2 post ACL reconstruction and meniscus repair surgery. Still quite painful of course and in leg brace with leg up in bed… fingers crossed for swift recovery to everyone! I will check in on how mine is going…


    I had ACL surgey 1 month ago and I am still having really bad pain in the shin, calf, and foot almost all the time. Is that normal?


      I am sorry to hear you are in pain. Have you discussed this with your Surgeon or Physical Therapist? It is normal to have some discomfort after ACL surgery, and more so when you exercise. Calf, shin and foot soreness can be normal because you may be temporarily walking different or using the muscles in an unusual way while you recover. If you are concerned about the pain, or if it becomes severe and/or accompanied by swelling or redness, contact your physician right away. Happy healing!


        Sorry to hear that but I had a surgery a week ago and follow up everything with my doctor and physical therapy require me to do. And now my knee is getting much better since my calf doesn’t hurt anymore like a beginning and my knee is like 2/10 from painful right now and even can walk without crutches for like 30 mins


    You need a MRI right away. It’s most likely your meniscus needs to be repaired surgically.


    I tore my arm two years ago and was told it’s tissue damage until I told them (recently) that my knee gives way which lead to a MRI showing I had a complete rupture of my ace and both menisi torn. So my advice is tell you’re doctor you knee gives way and explain how you lose balance excetra


    I had ACL over a year ago but I still get pain and swelling if I walk too much. I used to be an athlete until this happened


    Had an MRI and was told the meniscus was a slight mess and the ACL was torn. Went to ortho and he “cleaned up” the meniscus and sent me on my way. 7 months later and I still have the the pain that originally sent me in for the MRI. I have asked for my surgical report to see if the ACL tear was ever address (pretty sure it wasn’t). Therapy days after surgery. So now I have knee swelling constantly and still deal with the ACL pain that was my original complaint. Go see another doctor and ask for an MRI to rule it out. Tell the doc you have been doing pt exercises at home since it started so that insurance won’t deny covering the MRI. ACL doesn’t repair itself, so the pain may lessen but it won’t heal.


    i am going for my acl surgery tomorrow as for my acl and pcl ruptures i didnt really have much pain except for the initial pop so i didn’t think it was anything serious maybe a sprain at best i went on to play rugby league for 6 weeks before i got a bucket handle tear and a parrot beak tear and my knee locked up but as for my experience with ruptures i had next to no pain on a day to day with my acl and pcl on the field it would be irritating at the best of times


    Meniscus tears in my experience are much more painful than the acl. My acl tears didn’t make my knee hurt, it was just unstable. The meniscus tear would make my knee lock out and was extremely painful. The only way I was able to fix the meniscus issue was with surgery. I would get a second opinion for sure.


    I went to see my PCP because I was having difficulty walking and pain in my knee. He said I had all the classic signs of a torn meniscus. I did physical therapy for 3 months and I still had pain and inflammation. Went back to my primary and he sent me for an MRI and it turned out to be a torn ACL. Now I am seeing ortho and having surgery.


    Please make sure you get a mri on the knee that’s hurting ! I hurt my knee a little over a year ago and my doctor swore it was my meniscus but it wasn’t a year later I went again after continued and constant swelling and knee pains. Comes to find out it was my ACL which made my meniscus tear the longer i didn’t get it taken care of. I just had surgery less then 24 hours ago and it’s safe to say it’s one of the most uncomfortable and painful things ever. Not something to be taken lightly at all , get the mri and get it taken care of !!


    I had a torn meniscus and a torn acl and cartilage, make sure you get an mri


    From what my surgeon told me, the meniscus is something that doesn’t HAVE to be repaired it’s more of an option


      My orthopaedic said if I don’t have mine repaired I might get arthritis


    i played 8th grade football tore my meniscus and acl and was told it was just a meniscus tear i played on it the rest of the year and 9th grade hurt it during the season and after then i got a mri and it revealed i had a torn acl and meniscus along with cartilage rupture . moral of the story is get an active mri.


    Is it normal for my knee cap to move around and to feel extreme pain when straightening my knee after ACL and meniscus reconstruction? I’m 10 days post-op I can bend my knee up to 80 degree


      Hi Dalin,
      A little bit of movement in your knee cap is normal. You are only 10 days post-op so some pain, discomfort and swelling is completely normal as well. However if you are having extreme pain, or if the pain has increased at all from the time you wrote us this comment, you need to reach out to the doctor that did your surgery as soon as possible. They will be able to best direct you on what to do to decrease your pain and ensure a successful recovery. Your operating doctor or assistant should have also already provided you with general post op instructions, so be sure follow those to a T.


      I had a knee injury 1 yr weeks months ago tore acl completely nd meniscus bucket handle tear had partial meniscectomy knee surgery but didn’t fix acl did 6 months therapy and till this day can’t straighten leg like other normal goid leg walk with limp now have stage 3 osteoarthritis cuz all cartilage taken out what caused my leg to not be back to normal doc says nothing else to do stuck like this now


    i was about to fall so i accidentally stepped on my leg that i did the surgery on is it normal or will it affect me


      Hi Omar,
      Accidents can happen after surgery. Be sure to listen to your body for the next week or so. If you do not have any increased pain you should be okay. Also, if you have an incision site or stitches, keep an eye on those areas for any redness, swelling or possible torn out stitches your fall may have caused. As long as the incision site and leg continue to look and feel normal there is no need for concern. However, if you do notice torn out stitches, sign of infection at the incision site or any increased pain in your leg, you should call your doctor immediately for advice over the phone or for an in office visit as soon as possible. Best of luck with your recovery!


    2 years ago, I went for torn Meniscus surgery only where I suspected I do have ACL torn at the same time. Somehow, the knee never recovered and the pain + weekness on the knee still persist.
    Finally, I went for another MRI and it’s confirmed that I have ACL tear, which I went under surgery again 3 days ago. How I wish its was repaired 2 years back…


    Madam you must have an MRI the only definitive test to know what is torn… I can’t believe this doctor hasn’t order it yet!!


    i recently dislocated my knee which resulted in me tearing my acl and mcl. this was about two weeks ago and the swelling has gone down and i have already started walking with the help of a knee brace. my concern is that my knee feels extremely stiff when i put it completely straight and i was wondering if rehab will help with this and if after surgery its going to continue to feel this stiff. this isnt my first time tearing my acl but it is my first time tearing my mcl which is why im a bit concern about the stifffness.


    Definitely get an MRI. My X-rays showed healthy knees. MRI, however, showed complete ACL tear and meniscus yet. Just out of surgery recently


    Get an MRI, my first dr told me it was just a sprained knee, the pain kept getting worse and I couldn’t walk at all until I went to an orthopedic doctor and he did an MRI i torned my ACL & MCL and needed surgery, I’m one day post op and I can stand on my own


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