Nursemaid Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Picture this: You’re walking around the neighborhood hand-in-hand with your child. You cross the street and playfully pull them up over the curb by the hand. They cry out in pain. What possibly could have happened? If you’re a parent or caregiver for a child, you’ve certainly done this, and likely without any idea it […]
What Is Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, in which affected joints exhibit pain, stiffness, and decreased flexibility. The condition can be caused by many factors, including joint injury and overuse alongside advancing age. Since osteoarthritis can’t be reversed, preventing it is key to living your most mobile life. Osteoarthritis Symptoms According to the Centers […]
How To Avoid Sports Injuries

Consistency is the key to achieving just about any goal, including athletic goals. Because being active is an essential part of overall good health, it’s important to know how to avoid sports injuries. To avoid sports injuries: 1. Focus on Flexibility It’s hard to fit everything into our schedules. In our hurry to get it […]
Sit Less, Move More

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Sitting is the new smoking.” We sit while we drive or ride public transportation, in movie theaters or while watching tv, during meals and social events, and for many, while we work. According to the Surgeon General’s report, more than 60 percent of Americans do not maintain the CDC’s recommended […]
Are You Experiencing Pain, Numbness or Weakness in Your Hand? You May Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do you have pain, numbness or weakness in your hands? Do you notice a tingling sensation when you’re holding things like your phone or the steering wheel? Does this happen more frequently at night or when you first wake up? You may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS. It develops slowly, usually in your dominant […]