torn rotator cuff
Rotator Cuff Surgery Recovery: Stages, Tips, and Timeline

Rotator cuff surgery recovery generally takes a minimum of several months—but for those suffering from a torn rotator cuff, surgical repair can be instrumental in providing needed pain relief and functionality. Knowing what to expect while healing and how to manage pain and regain strength after surgery can help you regain the quality of life […]
Rotator Cuff Injuries: Causes and Treatment

You have a nagging pain in your shoulder… Should you see a shoulder specialist? Or do you just tough it out? If rotator cuff pain is disrupting your work, recreational activities, or daily life, it’s time to seek help. Consulting an orthopedic shoulder surgeon is a wise step. They can assess your condition and recommend […]
Rotator Cuff Injuries and Treatment Options

The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons, and is a vital part of your shoulder joint. It keeps your arm bone firmly in the shoulder joint, stabilizes movements, and allows for a full range of motion in the shoulder. Pain or other problems with the rotator cuff are very common, and millions […]
Fully Torn Rotator Cuff

The rotator cuff is made up of four different muscles and tendons near the shoulder joint, including the subscapularis, the supraspinatus, the infraspinatus, and the teres minor. Together, the tendons and muscles help to support the joint, promote fluid arm movement, and enable full range of motion. There is also a fluid-filled sac in the […]