sports medicine

A runner leans down, holding her knee, which seems to be hurt

Consistency is the key to achieving just about any goal, including athletic goals. Because being active is an essential part of overall good health, it’s important to know how to avoid sports injuries. To avoid sports injuries: 1. Focus on Flexibility It’s hard to fit everything into our schedules. In our hurry to get it […]

family medicine

The medical system can sometimes feel overwhelming and impersonal, even as you sit sharing intimate information about yourself or your family members with a doctor or specialist. After medical experiences that make people feel like they’re not being truly seen or listened to by the system, many people turn to family medicine doctors instead. Family […]

compound fracture

A bone fracture, commonly known as a broken bone, is a common injury that affects millions of people yearly. Most types of fractures result from falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. People who engage in certain repetitive activities or have a medical condition like osteoporosis are at increased risk for broken bones.  Where the break […]

reducing sedentary behavior

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Sitting is the new smoking.” We sit while we drive or ride public transportation, in movie theaters or while watching tv, during meals and social events, and for many, while we work. According to the Surgeon General’s report, more than 60 percent of Americans do not maintain the CDC’s recommended […]

What is sports medicine? - Heiden Orthopedics

Whether you’re an athlete, a weekend warrior or simply lead an active lifestyle, you will almost certainly suffer from an orthopedic injury at one point or another. A study in the Journal of Athletic Training found that while male athletes had a higher rate of acute injuries, female athletes see a higher rate of overuse […]

Dr. Mark Peterson - Sports Medicine Physician - Heiden Orthopedics

Living in the mountains in Utah – or anywhere else in the country that provides outdoor recreation and adventure – is a blessing. The chance to play outside year-round is what brings many people to Salt Lake, Park City and the surrounding area. While the benefits of this mountain lifestyle far outweigh the negatives, there […]

Climbing Foot Injuries – They’re More Common than You Might Think

When it comes to common climbing injuries, climbers suffer primarily from upper extremity injuries. In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine at the NIH, 90% of the 357 participants who climbed regularly reported sustaining an upper extremity injury. Per the study: “Fingers (41%) were the most commonly injured, followed by the […]

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