
Right hand in a splint following a scaphoid fracture.

Imagine you’re skiing, playing a quick pick-up game, or simply taking a walk when you suddenly catch an edge or trip and start to fall. Instinctively, you reach out to catch yourself, landing hard on your outstretched hand. Hours later, your wrist is swollen and aching. Even if your symptoms don’t seem that serious, you […]

Do I Need a Wrist Specialist? What Type of Doctor to See for Wrist Pain

According to a study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, it’s estimated that 11 – 20% of emergency room visits in the United States are for hand and wrist injuries. That may seem like a disproportionate percentage of visits, but Americans – especially service people, laborers and those in computer-based careers – injure […]

Are You Experiencing Pain, Numbness or Weakness in Your Hand? You May Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Do you have pain, numbness or weakness in your hands? Do you notice a tingling sensation when you’re holding things like your phone or the steering wheel? Does this happen more frequently at night or when you first wake up? You may have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or CTS. It develops slowly, usually in your dominant […]

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