orthopedic surgeon

Right hand in a splint following a scaphoid fracture.

Imagine you’re skiing, playing a quick pick-up game, or simply taking a walk when you suddenly catch an edge or trip and start to fall. Instinctively, you reach out to catch yourself, landing hard on your outstretched hand. Hours later, your wrist is swollen and aching. Even if your symptoms don’t seem that serious, you […]

Two doctors looking at a monitor during total joint replacement osteoarthritis surgery to make adjustments to prosethic joint placement.

The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It causes symptoms like pain, swelling, stiffness, and decreased flexibility in joints. You can develop osteoarthritis as a result of joint injury, overuse, increasing age, and other factors. Since osteoarthritis can’t be reversed, preventing it is key.  For those living with osteoarthritis joint damage, finding a treatment […]

A person doing exercises with the help of a physical therapist after total knee replacement.

Making the decision to undergo a total knee replacement isn’t something most people do lightly. Those living with knee pain and weighing their treatment options may want to know what to expect 1 year after total knee replacement to decide if it’s worth it. The good news is that most total knee replacements feel significantly […]

An orthopedic knee specialist administering an injection—a new treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee.

As medicine advances, more new treatments for osteoarthritis of the knee become available each day. While some of these treatments are still in the research and development phases, there are currently many excellent options available for managing knee osteoarthritis.  What is osteoarthritis of the knee? The tough, rubbery cartilage in joints is called articular cartilage. […]

Team of orthopedic hip surgeons performing a total hip arthroplasty replacement surgery in an osteoarthritis patient inside the operating room aided by the latest in computer technology.

Hip replacement surgery produces an overwhelmingly substantial reduction in pain for most people who undergo the procedure. Even more promising than the resulting pain relief is that hip replacement recovery time is greatly reduced for many patients as advancements in surgical techniques, technology, materials, and medications occur. Hip Arthroplasty In hip replacement surgery, also called […]

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