Heiden Ortho News
Former Speedskating Champion Heiden Is Staying Close to the Ice
The New York Times reports from Murray, Utah. Dr. Eric Heiden is working with Olympic Speed Skater, J.R. Celski in an effort to try to increase the athlete’s range of motion after a devastating crash caused a considerable amount of blood loss from a seven-inch wound to his thigh. Celski feels like he is in […]
PROFILE: Eric Heiden, Olympic Gold Medalist, from Skates of Scalpel
The San Francisco Chronicle reports on Olympic Gold Medal Speed Skater, Dr. Eric Heiden on life after the Olympics and practicing medicine. Heiden reflects that his greatest achievement was completing his studies in orthopedics. He sees speed skating as fun, but his life’s work is in medicine. Heiden is actually a second generation Orthopedist, after […]