Hip Dislocation: Symptoms, Treatment, & Recovery
A hip dislocation is when the hip’s ball joint comes out of its socket. This painful medical emergency typically prevents you from walking until it’s repositioned. Most hip dislocations result from a traumatic event and take months to heal, sometimes requiring surgery. Keeping your hips healthy and practicing general safety precautions are important for preventing hip dislocations.
Hip Dislocation Causes

The hip is typically a very secure joint, and moving it out of place generally takes a lot of force. Therefore most hip dislocations result from a traumatic injury, such as a car accident, fall, or collision during sports. If the force from such an incident pops the ball joint at the top of the femur (thighbone) out of the hip socket in the pelvis (acetabulum), this is a hip dislocation.
Some people are more prone to dislocating a hip than others, however. Those with a development condition called hip dysplasia have a poor fit between the femur and hip socket. They may have a shallow hip socket or loose hip muscles and ligaments that make the joint easier to displace.
Those who’ve undergone hip replacement surgery are also more likely to dislocate their hip without suffering a significant injury. These individuals can dislocate a hip through regular daily activities as simple as standing up or crossing their legs.
Is a hip dislocation serious?
A hip dislocation is a serious medical emergency. Not only do you need immediate care for the pain and to address the inability to walk, but surrounding blood vessels, tissues, ligaments, and nerves need to be checked and possibly treated alongside the dislocation of the bone. Sometimes additional bones, such as those in the pelvis, are broken and need treatment as well. The injury can cause long-term damage if not fixed right away. The longer it goes untreated, the more destabilized the bone becomes. This increases the chances of additional dislocations and the development of hip arthritis.

Sometimes a hip joint only comes part way out of its socket. This is called a subluxation, and it can be mild or severe. Subluxations are more common in people with hip dysplasia and those who’ve had a hip replacement.
Severe subluxations are typically caused by a hip injury and can be as painful and disabling as a full dislocation. More mild hip subluxations are often caused by general wear and tear such as osteoarthritis, where cartilage erodes over time. This type of subluxation may recur if the chronic underlying condition is not addressed.
With a mild subluxation, you may still be able to walk but could feel a snapping in the joint when you move or have difficulty putting your full weight on that leg. You may be able to pop the joint back in place yourself through gentle stretching or massage. It is important, however, not to try to fix a dislocated hip yourself. See your orthopedic specialist to identify the cause of your subluxation and determine how to best prevent it from recurring.
Can you walk with a dislocated hip?
When a person dislocates their hip, their leg typically becomes locked in one position. The leg is often rotated inward, with the toes pointed toward the other leg (a posterior hip dislocation). But in a few cases, it is rotated away from the other leg (an anterior hip dislocation). The leg may appear shorter than the other, and the hip may be swollen or discolored.

This injury is generally acutely painful, causing muscle spasms and an inability to put weight on that leg or move it. You may have pain in your sciatic nerve that impacts your ability to flex your foot and toes. Some people develop osteonecrosis, where bone tissue begins to fracture and die due to damage to the femoral artery. Over time, arthritis caused by damage to the joint’s cartilage (the labrum) can develop. This increases the chance of needing a hip replacement later, which can help with pain but takes time to heal.
Generally speaking, a hip that’s dislocated is obvious. Your urgent care physician or orthopedic hip specialist will still perform an X-ray or CT scan to check the position and integrity of the bones and look for any additional issues in the surrounding nerves, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and cartilage.
Do you need surgery for a dislocated hip?
If you think you’ve dislocated your hip, go to the emergency room immediately. Call an ambulance, and do not attempt to move on your own. Once the extent of the issue is determined, your orthopedic hip surgeon will move the joint back in place—a process called a reduction.
If you do not have additional injuries, your hip specialist can do this externally—a closed reduction. You will be given a combination of anesthetic and sedatives or perhaps go under general anesthesia for this process.
If you have additional injuries, such as fractures or damage to surrounding tissues, you may need surgery. Treatment is also often surgical for infants with hip dislocation from hip dysplasia or those with an artificial hip.
Preventing Hip Dislocations

Common sense safety measures are the best method for preventing a dislocated hip. Wear your seatbelt in cars and use protective gear when playing sports. Use proper equipment when working at heights or doing regular activities like replacing light bulbs or going down stairs.
Keep your hip joint and its surrounding muscles and tendons strong and flexible with regular exercise. This is especially important If you’ve dislocated your hip before, as it may be more likely to dislocate again. For those with hip dysplasia, seek early treatment from an orthopedic hip specialist to prevent future injuries.
How long does a dislocated hip take to heal?
Once the joint has been put back into its proper position, it can take 2 to 3 months for the hip to heal. It may take longer if there are additional broken bones or if you’ve had hip surgery. During that time, your movement will be restricted and you may need a brace or crutches. Work with your hip specialist to gradually increase physical therapy exercises to regain your strength.
If you have a hip injury or want to speak with an orthopedic hip specialist about keeping your hips strong and flexible, please comment below or contact us.
i dislocated my hip 4 years ago when i was 19 and have started to feel a lot of pain when putting weight on it and moving around, even small movements can be painful. do i need to see a specialist or just exersice my hip
Hi Austyn,
Sorry to hear about the pain you’re experiencing! Since the pain is worsening and affecting your movement, it’s a good idea to see a specialist. They can check if there’s any lasting damage or underlying issues from the dislocation. Exercise can help strengthen your hip, but it’s important to know what’s safe to do first. A specialist can guide you on the best treatment plan to relieve pain and improve mobility. Don’t wait—your hip deserves expert care!
I had a hip replacement which didn’t work. (My hip dislocated 4 times). I had a new hip put in (a Stryker) – this was 3 years ago).
I am fairly active walking an hour 3-4 times a week and recently I am getting some pain in the joint.
Should I be concerned?
How long typically does a Stryker replacement last?
I am a 53yo male.
Hi Darren, experiencing pain in a hip joint after a replacement is something you should definitely discuss with your orthopedic surgeon, as it could indicate wear, loosening, or another issue. Stryker hip replacements are designed to last 15-20 years on average, but individual outcomes can vary. I recommend scheduling an appointment for a professional evaluation to ensure everything is functioning properly.
I had a total hip revision 8 years ago, 4 years after my first THR. A few weeks ago I turned my knee inwards as I sneezed and heard and felt a terrible pop when I did it. Instant pain! I couldn’t walk afterwards and had to be non- weightbearing for approximately 4-5 days. I’ve had groin pain since and am now having mid-thigh pain. I’m very concerned as these are the symptoms I had last time with my loose implant. Did the sneeze cause a subluxation and damage?
54 yrs old
Hi Claire, I’m sorry to hear about the pain you’re experiencing. Given your history and the symptoms you’re describing, it’s important to consult with your orthopedic surgeon as soon as possible. They can determine the best course of action for your hip. We have Dr. Daniel Mangiapani who practices at our Salt Lake and Tooele locations who can address this for you. Feel free to call us at 435-615-8822 or schedule an appointment using the chatbot right here on our website.
My father broke the hip, had part replaced, returned home after 2 weeks in hospital 1.5 days later and the hip dislocated causing him to fall. They left him 24hrs before putting back into place as came out of socket and cup, he was reset Monday just gone, Wednesday it seems it has popped again and now he’s left bed bound no surgery as yet as only 1 surgeon works at the hospital once a week. Long term damage would already of been caused. They may have to take replacement out and start again. He’s 71 with terminal cancer I don’t think they will do this based on wasting money on a patient that’s dying. They have left him with no pain relief and he’s not on treatment for cancer either. What can we do about this?
Hi Kelly, your father may need to get a second opinion from another healthcare professional. A different perspective may provide insights into potential treatment options and the overall situation. Most hospitals have patient advocacy services. Reach out to them to express your concerns and seek assistance. They may be able to facilitate communication between you, the medical staff, and the responsible surgeon. If you believe there has been negligence or improper care, consult with a medical malpractice attorney. They can help you understand your legal options and guide you through the steps to potentially seek compensation or remedy. It’s important to maintain open and respectful communication with the medical staff involved in your father’s care. Ask questions, express your concerns, and seek clarification on the treatment plan. Effective communication can sometimes lead to better outcomes.
Yo tube una diislocacion de la cadera derecha me cai del techo y fui a emergencias y me la colocaron en su lugar mi cadera pero no me hice la tomografia por motivos economicos y estoy en casa en reposo ya pasaron 7 dias despues que me colocaron la cadera a su lugar no tengo huesos rotos solo se disloco la radiografia salio bien pero quiero saber cuanto tiempo mas tendre que estar en reposo , si ya puedo usar muletas , y que alimentos me ayudaria a mejorar tengo 22 años y es la primera vez que me sucedio esto. Porfavor espero una respuesta gracias.
I had a hip dislocation with a small fracture but no surgery and after a week my body feels good no pain is it ok to start trying to walk to regain strength
Hi Reggie, that sounds very painful. Typically an orthopedic specialist or physical therapist will guide you through your rehabilitation based on your injury. The timeline for walking and weight-bearing movements will vary from person to person. I would check with your doctor to make sure you are clear to walk to ensure you don’t injure yourself further.
I just dislocated my hip a week and 2 days ago and I’m starting to limp walk I am a very athletic person and don’t have pain right now!!
I am 91 and had hip surgery 21yrs ago. It worked perfectly. But my hip has dislocated 3 times recently but went back in place. I cannot have a replacement as I have a heart condition. I would like to have excercises to help strengthen the joint and any suggestions to help the situation.
Hi Joyce, it may be recommended for you to see a physical therapist to make sure you are doing exercises that are helpful and not hurtful. For now, you can try simple exercises such as seated leg raises, seated marching, or use a stationary bike. It’s important to start slow with a warm-up and gradually increase intensity. It’s incredibly important to listen to your body and not push yourself into pain. If you begin to have worsening symptoms make sure to follow-up with your doctor.
I was dancing and I felt my left hip crack and I can’t put pressure on my leg left hip bone hurts
It sounds like you might have experienced a joint or soft tissue injury while dancing. Here are some steps you should consider:
1. Rest: Avoid putting weight on your leg and try to rest as much as possible.
2. Ice: Apply ice to the affected area for about 20 minutes every hour to reduce swelling and pain. Make sure to wrap the ice in a cloth to protect your skin.
3. Compression and Elevation: If practical, use a wrap to gently compress the hip area, and try to keep your hip elevated to reduce swelling.
4. Pain Relief: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help alleviate the pain. Be sure to follow the dosage instructions and check for any potential interactions with other medications you might be taking.
If the pain persists or worsens, or if you are unable to walk, it’s important to seek medical attention. An orthopedic specialist can assess your injury and provide appropriate care, which may include imaging tests like an X-ray or MRI to determine if there’s a more serious injury such as a fracture or severe sprain.
Remember, timely assessment and treatment can prevent complications and help ensure better recovery.
i like pilates lately – they have beginner classes to introduce you to the concept online, and i have a favourite instructor. she also has weight videos that are do-able. i work out at home, but i’ve been active all my life, so i have a decent foundation. if you are beginning, i support the suggestion i saw here to see a PT to make sure the exercises are learned correctly for your structure and system – that will maximize benefits and reduce risk of injury. you’re an insopiration!