foot pain

A person holding the outside of their foot and ankle in pain due to peroneal tendonitis.

The human body has thousands of tendons, which are tough bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones. Although tendons are strong, if they become strained and inflamed, a painful condition called tendonitis can result.  Peroneal tendonitis is tendonitis in the tissues on the outside of your ankle and foot. Most people make a full […]

Medical illustration of types of ankle fractures

On average, Americans take 3,000 to 4,000 steps each day. Each step looks simple from the outside, yet internally, each employs many muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones in the hips, knees, and ankles. Disrupt any of these tissues, and you jeopardize your ability to get from place to place in your normal manner.   Those who’ve […]

runner with foot pain

Pesky. That’s probably the best word to describe a foot sprain in terms of the way it affects daily life. They’re serious enough to sideline us from normal activity, but most are not so serious that we’re patient with their healing. That’s not always the case, however — as some foot sprains are severe enough […]

foot pain

Not all pain responds to traditional treatment methods. Even when it does, recovery timelines sometimes feel excessively long for patients who need to get back to their regular routines.  Laser therapy is an excellent treatment option for individuals experiencing chronic foot pain or athletes who need to speed up the healing of a foot or […]

ankle tendonitis pain

Tendonitis is a common word, which makes it seem like a simple thing to treat. Its definition is straightforward: Tendonitis is inflammation (“-itis”) of tendons, the strong tissue bands that connect muscle to bone. Its treatment, however, isn’t something that should be glossed over.  While some tendonitis cases respond to consistent home treatment, others require […]

runner's stretch

Running is a demanding sport. Many runners are driven individuals who are passionate about their performance and push themselves to the limits. However, with pushing limits come challenges, including running injuries. Whether they’re beginners or seasoned athletes, runners tend to get hurt. Estimates of the exact number are wide-ranging, but sources approximate 20%-80% of runners […]

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