Extensor Tendon Tear

Tendons connect muscles to bones to help them move. Extensor tendons straighten joints, while flexor tendons help them bend. When people suffer an extensor tendon tear in their hand, they cannot fully straighten the affected finger(s) or wrist. Common Extensor Tendon Tear Tendons are strong, thick bands of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones. […]
Rheumatologist vs Orthopedist: What Kind of Doctor for Joint Pain Is Right for You?

You’ve been dealing with joint pain all over for as long as you can remember. You suddenly started feeling a sharp pain in one of your joints. Your joints ache when it rains or the weather changes. Your joint never felt quite the same after that one injury… now you live with constant, nagging pain. […]
Preventing the Most Common Exercise Related Injuries

Exercise has numerous health benefits and can help you look and feel at your best. However, an injury can happen at any time, even for the most experienced or physically fit individuals. Some injuries can put you out of commission for weeks or even months. By adhering to a few simple prevention tips, you can […]