Hip Arthroscopy: Minimally Invasive Hip Surgery

Hip arthroscopy has been refined over the last few decades as smaller cameras have become available in the medical field. Arthroscopic procedures provide minimally invasive options for diagnosis and treatment of many hip conditions.

Dr. Daniel Gibbs is a dedicated orthopedic surgeon who focuses on the hip, knee, and shoulder. He has worked with countless athletes throughout his career and understands all of the conditions that can affect the functioning and comfort of the hip joint.

doctor treating hip issue

Conditions Treated by Arthroscopic Hip Surgery

Hip pain can be caused by an injury or the natural shape of your hip joint. Some conditions that may benefit from hip arthroscopy include:

    • Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), in which bone spurs form on the hip joint. This growth can inhibit movement and damage the cartilage in the hip joint.
    • Labral tears, which involve damage to the cartilage that cushions the joint. Tears can be related to FAI and other overuse injuries or trauma.
    • Removal of loose fragments of cartilage in the joint, usually caused by an injury like a labral tear
  • Snapping or catching in the joint caused by a tendon that rubs across the bone during movement

Other forms of inflammation, pain, or infection can also be treated with hip arthroscopy. Early treatment of such conditions can prevent osteoarthritis or delay the need for surgical hip replacement.

What is Hip Arthroscopy?

During the procedure, one to five small incisions will be placed near the joint. Arthroscopes and other medical instruments are inserted to view and manipulate the internal structure of the hip including bone, cartilage, and ligaments. Dr. Gibbs can use the camera to identify and treat areas of concern without performing open surgery.

The length of the procedure will vary based on your condition and the necessary treatment.

Benefits of Arthroscopic Hip Surgery

Hip arthroscopy allows for the treatment of certain conditions that previously required open surgeries. Arthroscopic procedures only require a few small incisions, allowing for:

    • Shorter recovery time
    • Decreased risk of infection
    • Less pain or discomfort during recovery
  • Reduced visible scarring

The procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis, and the risk of complications or infection is drastically reduced compared to more invasive procedures.

Recovery After Hip Surgery

Your recovery will vary based on the extent of your procedure. You can expect to use crutches for the first one to two weeks following your procedure. Pain and discomfort are usually mild and treatable with pain medication. Many patients will need physical therapy to rebuild their strength.

Some people may walk the next day while others may need to wait a few weeks to put their full weight on that leg and hip joint. Dr. Gibbs will provide personalized aftercare instructions and advice based on your specific condition.

Hip Arthroscopy with Dr. Daniel Gibbs

Dr. Daniel Gibbs focuses on the hip, knee, and shoulder and utilizes noninvasive or minimally invasive treatments whenever possible. He has years of experience in orthopedics, working directly with high-profile athletes and contributing numerous presentations, writings, and other publications to the field. His compassionate care and love for the community make him a valuable asset to our Heiden Orthopedics team.


Familiar with Bertolotti’s syndrome?


    Yes, Bertolotti’s syndrome involves lower back pain caused by a congenital spinal abnormality where the last lumbar vertebra fuses with the sacrum or pelvis. It’s relatively rare but can be managed through conservative treatments or, in some cases, surgery. Bertolotti’s syndrome is typically treated by an orthopedic spine specialist or a neurosurgeon. These specialists focus on spinal disorders and can offer both conservative treatments, like physical therapy or injections, and surgical options if needed.


I am a 58 YO male with pain in my hip area and knees. It seems to be getting worse. If I take 25 to 50 mg of Indocin, I can deal with the pain. This is about the only thing that helps.

What do you recommend?

How could Dr. Gibbs help me? X-ray? MRI?


    Hi Matthew,
Sorry to hear that you’re going through a rough patch. Dr. Gibbs will make sure to get you the care and attention you deserve.
Just give us a call at 435-615-8822 and we’ll set you up with an appointment.


I have to have a revision of my 2016 hip THA. Should I use a spinal or a general anesthesia. Is there a separate anesthesia protocol used for spinal vs general anesthesia? I have been told two different things in regard to spinal vs general. Thanks Will Burrows


    Hi Will,
    Generally spinal anesthesia will be used for things like hip or knee surgeries. Advantages of using spinal anesthesia include you needing less medication and therefore having less possible side effects. You should also feel more awake after surgery and have a lower chance of developing nausea or vomiting. Be sure to discuss your anesthesia options with your surgeon. Your surgeon should also be able to provide you with their anesthesiologist’s contact information so you could speak directly with them about your questions and concerns. Hope this helps! Best of luck with your surgery.


I suffer from sciatica and my MRI indicated that I have a synovial cyst protruding from my Ry hip. Is this a surgical procedure that Dr. Gibbs is familiar with?


    Yes, this is a procedure Dr. Gibbs is familiar with and he’d be happy to help you with your issue! Give us a call at (435)615-8822.


Is Dr. Gibbs knowledgeable about gluteal max transfer surgery?


    Yes, Dr. Gibbs is knowledgeable about that procedure.


Do you have any doctors experienced with IFI resulting from an avulsion fracture of the ischial tuberosity?


I have been told that the reason for my hip pain is that the ball is not round. Do you think this is something you can help me with?


    Daniel Gibbs, MD is a board certified, fellowship trained orthopedic surgeon specializing in the preservation of the hip, knee and shoulder. If you are in Utah I would highly recommend setting up a consultation with him @435-615-8822. He can help you determine what course of treatment would be best suited for your issue. Hope this helps!


Is this a procedure used to diagnose how much arthritis involved? Or does a MRI give a better view


    An MRI is an accurate imaging tool available to help the doctor identify some of the signs of arthritis.


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