hip replacement

X-ray of patient with two knee replacements and a hip replacement

Total joint replacement surgery, medically known as arthroplasty, replaces a damaged joint with an artificial one to restore proper function and mobility. Most often, your orthopedic surgeon replaces the entire joint. But in a small number of cases, replacing only the damaged part may be more appropriate. The most commonly replaced joints are the knees, […]

hip dislocation

A hip dislocation is when the hip’s ball joint comes out of its socket. This painful medical emergency typically prevents you from walking until it’s repositioned. Most hip dislocations result from a traumatic event and take months to heal, sometimes requiring surgery. Keeping your hips healthy and practicing general safety precautions are important for preventing […]

hip osteoarthritis

“I don’t bounce back like I used to.” Have you heard yourself say a version of this yet? As we age, previous injuries and wear and tear plague us in new ways. Hips, knees, and backs get achy — sometimes after a favorite athletic activity and sometimes because we’ve been too sedentary. Osteoarthritis (OA) is […]