Nursemaid Elbow: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatments

Picture this: You’re walking around the neighborhood hand-in-hand with your child. You cross the street and playfully pull them up over the curb by the hand. They cry out in pain. What possibly could have happened? If you’re a parent or caregiver for a child, you’ve certainly done this, and likely without any idea it […]
How Long Does It Take a Humerus Fracture To Heal?

The humerus is the upper arm’s only bone. It connects the shoulder to the elbow and is strong enough that breaking it typically requires significant force. A humeral fracture can take several weeks to a few months to heal and sometimes requires surgery. Symptoms of a Broken Humerus The humerus connects the shoulder to the […]
Types of Fractures

A bone fracture, commonly known as a broken bone, is a common injury that affects millions of people yearly. Most types of fractures result from falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. People who engage in certain repetitive activities or have a medical condition like osteoporosis are at increased risk for broken bones. Where the break […]
What Is a Guided Hip Injection?

When you’re in pain, especially chronic pain, the need to feel better can become desperate. A study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management states, “Pain, when it is ongoing and uncontrolled, has a detrimental, deteriorative effect on virtually every aspect of a patient’s life. It produces anxiety and emotional distress; undermines well-being; interferes […]