Doctor Advice
How To Avoid Sports Injuries

Consistency is the key to achieving just about any goal, including athletic goals. Because being active is an essential part of overall good health, it’s important to know how to avoid sports injuries. To avoid sports injuries: 1. Focus on Flexibility It’s hard to fit everything into our schedules. In our hurry to get it […]
Tibia Fractures: Types, Symptoms, & Treatments

The benefits of being active are undeniable: better physical and mental health, improved sleep, and lower disease rates. For those who are regularly active or looking to increase activity levels, a broken leg can be a major setback. Our legs are made up of three main bones: the tibia, the fibula, and the femur. The […]
How Long Does It Take a Humerus Fracture To Heal?

The humerus is the upper arm’s only bone. It connects the shoulder to the elbow and is strong enough that breaking it typically requires significant force. A humeral fracture can take several weeks to a few months to heal and sometimes requires surgery. Symptoms of a Broken Humerus The humerus connects the shoulder to the […]
Extensor Tendon Tear

Tendons connect muscles to bones to help them move. Extensor tendons straighten joints, while flexor tendons help them bend. When people suffer an extensor tendon tear in their hand, they cannot fully straighten the affected finger(s) or wrist. Common Extensor Tendon Tear Tendons are strong, thick bands of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones. […]
Hip Dislocation: Symptoms, Treatment, & Recovery

A hip dislocation is when the hip’s ball joint comes out of its socket. This painful medical emergency typically prevents you from walking until it’s repositioned. Most hip dislocations result from a traumatic event and take months to heal, sometimes requiring surgery. Keeping your hips healthy and practicing general safety precautions are important for preventing […]
Types of Fractures

A bone fracture, commonly known as a broken bone, is a common injury that affects millions of people yearly. Most types of fractures result from falls, sports injuries, and car accidents. People who engage in certain repetitive activities or have a medical condition like osteoporosis are at increased risk for broken bones. Where the break […]
Clavicle Fractures

A clavicle fracture, often called a broken collarbone, is a common injury. About five percent of adult fractures are in the clavicle. This painful break is frequently caused by falling onto the shoulder, and it is most common in kids and young adults. A majority of broken clavicles are treated nonsurgically by wearing a sling […]
Why Does My Knee Keep Popping Out of Place?

There are two types of patellar instability, which is, simply put, when the kneecap moves outside its normal space. One is traumatic patellar dislocation and the other is chronic patellar instability. According to the Cleveland Clinic, some degree of patellar instability is relatively common in the US, estimated at 50 to 77 cases per 100,000 […]
What Does Shoulder Bursitis Feel Like?

Shoulder bursitis is a painful inflammatory condition that can make arm movement difficult and limit range of motion. There are a few different types of shoulder bursitis — acute, recurring, and even life-threatening — so it’s integral to see a shoulder specialist for a proper diagnosis. With guidance and an effective plan, many cases of […]
Tooele Specialties: Hip, Knee, and Shoulder

For those suffering from an acute injury or chronic pain, you know all too well the impact these things have on every moment of your life. When you’re hurt, basic daily functions and routine activities are difficult, if not impossible, without help and proper healing. Choosing the right practitioner to care for your pain or […]