Osteoporosis Diet: Top 5 Foods for Bone Health

As you age, maintaining a healthy, balanced diet full of nutrients is a critical part of body and bone health. Certain foods and supplements can help you prevent osteoporosis, along with a plethora of other health benefits. Boosting your diet with vitamin-rich foods will help you look and feel your best.


Best Foods for Osteoporosis

Calcium, vitamin C and Vitamin D are integral to preventing osteoporosis. Eating foods rich in those vitamins and nutrients will promote bone health and reduce your risk for many other conditions as you age. The following are a few of the best foods for bone health.

Dairy Products

Healthy sources of calcium and fat are important for bone health. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are full of calcium. A few servings a day will boost your calcium intake.

Fruits & Vegetables

The produce aisle is packed with good-for-you nutrients. Some of the best fruits and vegetables for osteoporosis prevention include:

  • Leafy greens like kale, collard greens, spinach, and mustard greens
  • Figs
  • Broccoli
  • Oranges
  • Mushrooms

Prepare fruits and vegetables in a way that you enjoy, and eat a few servings a day to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to help keep your bones healthy and strong.

Lean Protein

Salmon and tuna are particularly high in vitamin D, which helps the body process calcium. Skinless chicken and other lean meats also provide a healthy dose of protein to support bone density and tissue growth. 


Eggs are another great source of vitamin D. The egg yolks in particular are packed with vitamin D, but also contain cholesterol. Eat eggs in moderation with a variety of other vitamin D rich foods.


Many types of nuts are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and nutrients like calcium and magnesium. Some ideal nuts for osteoporosis prevention include almonds, sunflower seeds, or pistachios. Eat a handful each day as a snack to promote bone health.

Fortified Foods

Certain foods are fortified with extra nutrients. Some breakfast cereals, orange juice, breads, and more have added calcium or vitamin D to help consume extra nutrients. If you are lactose intolerant, or don’t like certain other nutrient-rich foods, fortified foods can be a good alternative.

What are other ways to prevent osteoporosis?

Your diet is not the only way to prevent osteoporosis and encourage strong bones. Certain supplements can increase your vitamin consumption and make sure you are getting the recommended daily amounts. Read more about the recommended supplements and how they can aid in osteoporosis prevention.

Osteoporosis has a strong genetic component, and even those with a robust bone health diet can still be susceptible to developing the condition. It is important to elect for bone density scans, also known as DEXA scans, to analyze your bone structure and watch for any decrease in density. Find out more about how DEXA scans work and how often you should receive them by reading our blog.

Turn to Heiden Orthopedics for Osteoporosis Prevention

Osteoporosis prevention is an important part of getting older, and a few simple dietary changes along with regular bone density scans can help you stay happy and healthy for years to come. Heiden Orthopedics is your resource for bone health, so consult with us today to get started with preventive care, bone density scans, or other treatments.


I am looking for the best blog to improve bone health and reached your blog, where I found the best way to improve your bone health. Thanks for your blog for amazing info.


It was really worth it reading all the posts of people suffering from Osteoporosis. I know what to do and to avoid to promote bone health. Thanks for sharing valuable information


I have been on Allendronic acid for 5 years for sarcodosis and also prednisolone steroids as well for 5 years and now I am waiting for a hip replacement as Allendronic acid has caused my bones to become brittle and I also have a stress hip fracture all of this is on my right hip so now I in a lot of pail and have to rely on Crutches as my him could just snap


    We hope your hip surgery goes well.


I fell a year and a half ago and broke my left femur. It’s so hard to recover the strength in my left hip and leg. I’ve been in physical therapy on and off ever since it happened and I try to walk every day and rarely miss an opportunity to push a shopping cart around Shoprite every day for more movement. I also of course have osteoporosis. I’m on a lot of vitamins and minerals and make sure to get the basic 1200 mg of calcium, 2,000 units of Vitamin D3, 350 mg of magnesium, extra protein, multi, vitamin B12, boron. The pharma drugs affect my digestive health so I can’t take them. I also gave up gluten. Could hyalluronic injections in my hip help or can any type of injection be instrumental in reducing pain in the thigh/hip area? Thank you for any help or other suggestions that you have.


    Patricia, your proactive approach towards managing your health and recovery is commendable. To ensure a healthy recovery, it’s highly recommended that you continue working closely with an orthopedic specialist or physical therapist. They can provide you with tailored guidance based on your unique needs. Please keep in mind that recovery from a femur fracture may require significant time and gradual progress, so persistence and patience are crucial to your success.


I have osteo in both hips ..I do water walking and water aerobics daily..2 to 3 hours, is that too much? I am going to get prescription vitamin d3.


    There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to exercise. Daily movement should be based on your personal health and goals. I would suggest discussing this with your doctor or personal trainer. They can give you more accurate advice on how much and how long you should be exercising.
    Overall though, walking and water aerobics are both great, low-impact activities that are great for muscle strength and bone health. As with any exercise, moderation is important.


I have injured my subtaler joint and doctor is saying after healing bone it got rough thats y swelling and pain is still there. Give it some time and wait for natural recovery. If it will not recover then they have have to operate and some movement of foot will be limited at the cost of no pain. I dont want to go for surgery. Somebody told me PRP for subtalar joint. I really dont wana compromise my movement of foot. Please advise anything for natural healing like calcium vitamin d3 injections any diet exercise. I am very worried.


    If you are looking for non-surgical treatment options, I would recommend seeing a sports medicine specialist to help you determine conservative treatment options. We have one such doctor in our practice, Dr. Mark Peterson (https://heidenortho.com/author/mark-peterson/).
    If you are interested in PRP injections you could also try a clinic like The Albano Clinic: https://albanoclinic.com/ They specialize in non-surgical regenerative orthopedics. I hope these options help.


The type of fracture, current medications, and lifestyle can all play a role in bone health and healing time.salt


I have fallen from ladder about 5 ft and i fall on my calcaneous bone. I have fractured my calcanous bone but it was minor. First doctor put a cast for 6 weeks. After removing cast i cant put my weight on it. Second doctor put cast for more 4 weeks. After removing cast i still cant put weight as it starts paining in ankle and heel. X ray shows fracture is still there but better. All the doctor says put weight on it with one clutch but i am unable to walk without clutch. I am 35 but x ray report says there is a local ostophenic change. Suggest some exercises and diet to walk atleast. Why the fracture is not healing and in my 35 why ostophenic change( my bones getting weaker). Doctors said i must put weight but i cant put at all and plus there is a swelling on knee


    Unfortunately, there are a few reasons why your fracture might not be healing well. The type of fracture, current medications, and lifestyle can all play a role in bone health and healing time.
    Ask your doctor to help you determine the cause of your nonunion (fracture not healing) as this is critical to determining the proper treatment.
    Your doctor suggesting exercise and diet is a great place to start, since regular exercise and minor strain on your bones (walking and lifting weights, for example) are good for your bones.
    I would also discuss Physical Therapy (PT) with your doctor. A good PT can help you slowly return to weight-bearing and further healing. Hope this helps.


Informative Blog! Thank You for sharing with us


I am a 69 year old woman with bad osteoporosis, some figures at -4.5. I am petrified of the drugs offered for this malady because of stomach issues. So daily I am drinking 1200 mg of fortified almond milk, taking 1000 iu of vitamin D3, 400 mg of magnesium, and have gotten protein up to about 60 mg a day. I’m walking 1/2 an hour daily, and have been in PT for osteoporosis for about 4 months. I do their back exercises for about 45 minutes a day with weights. I’m going for another bone scan in a few days. I eat pork and sour kraut once a week to get vitamin K2. I’m trying to eat 3 fruits a day, 3 vegetables a day, no sugar. To get the best chances of upping my calcium, I’m wondering if dairy milk really is better than almond milk?? Is there anything else I can do besides besides giving in to pharma?


    Cow’s milk (dairy) and other plant-based milks can all be healthy options for different reasons and for different people. There are nutritional differences between them, depending on the type, brand and particular product. Here are a few links for almond milk vs. dairy milk that can shed more light on the subject than I can. Hope this helps.



    I broke my humerus And my orthopedist said for a 60 year old woman I don’t know what your doing but your laying down some serious bone. I healed quickly!
    My regime of supplements:
    Standard Process Wafers 1500 mg daily
    Thorne 10,000 iu Vit d with K
    Jarrow omega 3 caps x4 daily
    Calm Magnesium 3 tsp daily
    (I cut the dosages back about 25% at 6 weeks after Healing)
    My diet includes lots of salmon and sardines, smoothies with greens and fruits, lots of vegetables and no gluten or dairy.
    Try not to use pharmaceuticals and look into other forms of pain killers. Happy Body Store Organic Sulphur, CBD Oil, Wintergreen oil, Heliachrysum oil.
    It can be done 🌸
    Remember “Let thy food be your medicine and medicine thy food”
    Good luck!


        Yes, Thorne’s Vitamin D and K2 liquid supplement is a liquid formulation. It combines vitamins D3 and K2 in a convenient dropper form, making it easy to add to drinks or take directly.


Very helpful, informative post regarding osteoporosis. This not only helps to get over it but also helps in maintaining the strength of the bones. Thank you for the very helpful post.


My father is in his 50s , he has a cervical problem, his neck and waist pains soo much that he’s not even able to sleep properly. He’s merely getting a proper sleep. His bones crackles when he sits and stands. His bones are getting weaker. He doesn’t drink or smoke, his diet is also good. Please tell me what should I include in his diet in order to make his bone stronger


    I would recommend looking into a Bone Health clinic for your father. There are many clinics that focus on strengthening bones and prescribing the proper supplements or medications on a case-by-case basis. Other than the foods listed in this blog post, it would be difficult to recommend any specific diet changes without a thorough evaluation first. In addition the a Bone Health Clinic, I would also recommend taking your father to a hip or spine orthopedic specialist, if he is in constant pain. Wishing you both the best.


    Try Vitamin K2 supplement. Read about it online. Aside from Vitamin K1 which are found in veggies, K2 helps transfer Calcium from the bloodstream to the bones . And males should not take too much calcium supplements, if they are prone to kidney stones. I take liquid calcium/ magnesium liquid because I don’t like the binders in tablets ( especially with daily intake) . Calcium citrate has better absorbability than calcium carbonate.


I am 74 with osteoporosis in my spine. In April 2019 I fell missing a bottom step. I also have 2 gastric ulcers and bone medication kills my stomach. In Jan. 2020 I had a shot that is similar to fosamax plus another medicine. I have been taking antacids ever since. In March 2020 I tried daily Forteo injections. I had an allergic reaction , intense itching all over. Besides the bone fractures in my spine, my scoliosis is more pronounced, and I have to wear a brace when I walk and while cooking because standing is painful. Is there a mild bone building medicine I could try that will not bother my stomach. I am taking extra strength Tylenol several times. a day. Any suggestions would be helpful.


    Unfortunately, upset stomach and heartburn are common side effects of many bone health/osteoporosis medications and supplements. Without officially reviewing your medical records, I am unable to provide any medication or supplement recommendations.
    The most common osteoporosis medications prescribed are bisphosphonates (like fosamax); and intravenous forms of bisphosphonates don’t cause upset stomach, but they do have other side effects. There are also other medications, similar to Forteo, that your doctor can discuss with you, such as Tymlos and Evenity.
    I would recommend discussing options with an endocrinologist. It is important to discuss any new medications and supplements with your doctor before beginning treatment. Hope this helps!


    Hi Kathy. I’m sorry you are allergic to FORTEO. I also have osteoporosis on my spine . I’m 66 and taking daily self injection of FORTEO and tolerating well but it has only been a week since I’ve started. My bone specialist mentioned Evenity ( also a bone building drug, monthly injection administered in a doctor’s office). I will be using this bone building drug for 18 months, praying for no unwanted side effect), then I will be switched to Prolia (one injection every 6 months).
    I used to have lactose intolerance but now, my stomach is tolerating small amounts of Greek yogurt. I use other dietary sources of calcium such as vegetables. I snack on seeds and soft tofu. I cook my own food.
    I’m also taking Vitamin K2 100 mcg ( from Amazon). I have read that Vitamin K2 does more than what vitamin K1 does. K2 helps transfer calcium from the bloodstream to the bone. To me, this is really the key. There are Other sources of vitamin k2 that you can search online . Lastly, I have to do moderate intensity exercises ( treadmill, walking briskly on a daily basis 2-3 miles each time, and other activities, being careful I don’t bend and break my spine. I have asked for a PT that will start next month. Also, I’m working on increasing my immune system resistance ( sleep, diet, exercise, stress management). Good luck with your fight against osteoporosis . Prayers help.


is it possible for a 51-year old female with advanced osteoporosis of T-score -2.8 hip and -2.4 spine, to improve her bone density to the point where she could have surgery to correct the curve in her mid-back? recently started osteoporosis medication, as of february, called tymlos (daily injection).
deeply grateful for any help!!!


    Yes. Diet, vitamin D, and Ca ++ along with medications to enhance absorption of the minerals can improve bone quality in preparation for surgery. In order for screws to hold in bone (deformity correction) the screws can be cemented into the vertebral bone and careful attention to the adjacent levels is needed so they don’t fracture prematurely. The rule is multiple points of fixation. Hope this helps. -Dr. Zipnick


I am a 26-years old male and was an active player in cricket team being a left arm fast bowler. Later, I had a hairline fracture in my ankle of right leg while travelling which resulted in me getting a surgery of my leg majorly the tibia bone in Aug’16. This condition proved to be of an osteoid osteoma in my bone. Since then I have been continuously struggling to get fit again and again and start bowling in cricket as I have great passion towards it. I have been to various doctors and have taken several opinions but nothing seems to work for me. My bone is not healing, it has been 4 YEARS!!!!! I even have taken milk and healthy diet daily. Although my leg is fine when I am walking but as soon as I put weight on it, it starts to get painful and I cannot resist the pain afterwards. The doctor says until and unless that pain completely goes away and I don’t feel it even when I run that’s when I can bowl only! And that is not happening until today.😔 Please tell me any clue for what should I do please help me!!!! And do pray!


    I am sorry to hear you are struggling to find a treatment that works for you.
    I would suggest that you come in for a formal evaluation. An osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumor that typically resolves with age or with procedures such as radiofrequency ablation (I’d be curious to know what you had done for it back in the day). You also might require more advanced imaging such as MRI/CT to further evaluate your ankle, as it is uncommon for a patient who had osteoid osteoma to be unable to resume previous level of activity. I hope this information helps! -Dr. Feria


I am a 74 year old female and had a DHS implanted at the end of January due to a hairline fracture caused by tripping over a kerb during a dog walk. I had been fully mobile up to that point. I suffered atrocious pain in the scar area to the point that I was unable to move my leg and it had to be moved for me. It is now 5 months since that time and I still suffer the pain on walking aided by a stick and have now decided that I cannot take the pain any more and want the implants removed. My surgeon is telling me that my bone will collapse if he did that so I am left with no option but to put up with the pain. I am opiate intolerant and pain killers make me feel very sick. I desperately want the implants out if my body and don’t know the way forward. This episode in my life has affected me to the point of not wanting to live any more and I do not wish to live with this pain for the rest of my life without being able to regain my mobility. Can you give me any advice, please? Thank you


    I’m terribly sorry to hear about your pain and injury. I would recommend getting a second opinion. It is difficult to provide advice without personally reviewing your medical records. Scheduling a second opinion with another doctor will give them the opportunity to review your records and provide you with options. If you are having trouble finding another doctor or knowing which way to turn, consider seeing a Physical Therapist. A PT can also review your condition and help refer you to a board certified Orthopedic Surgeon for further assistance, if needed. I hope this information helps. Please don’t hesitate to reach back out if you need further help. We are happy to assist in any way we can. All the best!


      The scrambled eggs 🥚 are a good 👍 protein builder for your and overall health benefits 😋 😉 👌


    Hi I have osteoporosis in my spine and take cannabis oil for the pain as I didn’t like the side effects of the tablets the doctor prescribed for me…it is very strong and you have to build up your tolerance to it but it is the best painkiller out there….hope this helps and good luck


      Can you give me the name of the cannabis oil, I am very interested, as I want to get off these pain pills. They are ruining my life, thank you, my name is Sharon M


Thank you for highly informative resources to prevent osteoporosis. I’m wondering you didn’t recommend physical exercise that specifically prevent or lower osteoporosis.
I have osteoporosis in my left knee since last 18 years. My exercise includes pushups, halfway sits up, etc.
I will appreciate if you come up with some exercise which may lower my osteoporosis in the left knee. My right knee is perfect.


    Thank you for your question. We do have another blog post on this topic that references exercise and has external support links. Check it out here: https://heidenortho.com/best-osteoporosis-diet-exercises/
    Additionally, if you are looking for a tailored exercise program for knee strength and osteoporosis relief, I would recommend reaching out to a physical therapist. Hope this helps!


      Thank you, as I need that as well


    I have osteoporosis and pad my cardiologist says u must walk to improve your osteoporosis, sounds like r just doing push ups and sit ups which is dangerous especially if u have brittle bones like me, he says weight bearing such as walking every day if u can Hope this helps


      What your doctor says is right. Weightbearing activities, like walking and/or lifting weights help stimulate strong bones. You may want to consider getting your osteoporosis treated by a specialist.


      I’m 59 and my primary care doctor had told me about it. She gave me some medicine and I don’t like to take a lot of medication so I’m going to buy calcium pills over the counter. The Dr proscribe me another kind. But I’ll do what is best for me. I eat vegetables and fruits All the times. Now I eat nuts and yogurt as well. Milk I don’t do. I’m lactose intolerance


        Be careful of too many calcium pills. Get expert advice before doing anything
        Special exercises and diet can reverse Osteoporosis. I know from experience. So check on YouTube.There is a lady dr there who gives excellent natural aids( Not cures)


          What name do i look for on utibe

    Thank you for the update on this about osteoporosis


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