shoulder pain

clavicle fracture

A clavicle fracture, often called a broken collarbone, is a common injury. About five percent of adult fractures are in the clavicle.  This painful break is frequently caused by falling onto the shoulder, and it is most common in kids and young adults. A majority of broken clavicles are treated nonsurgically by wearing a sling […]

Are brachial plexus injuries serious?

The not-so-satisfying short answer: It depends. Like any other orthopedic injury, the seriousness of a brachial plexus injury depends on its cause, severity and treatment options.  What is the brachial plexus? The brachial plexus is a network of five intertwined nerves that stretch from the neck, through the upper chest and into the armpit. This bundle of […]

Summer Shoulder Injuries: Swimmer’s Shoulder vs Shoulder Labral Tears

While 23% to 38% of competitive swimmers experience some form of shoulder injury every year, you don’t have to be a competitive swimmer to suffer from common shoulder overuse injuries.  In fact, baseball, softball and volleyball players, as well as anyone who performs repetitive movements with their shoulders (think painters, landscapers or movers), are at risk for […]

Experiencing shoulder blade pain? It might be scapular dyskinesis.

Shoulder pain is a common complaint in active and non-active people, alike. Musculoskeletal issues, such as overuse, strains, rotator cuff issues, poor exercise form and even sleeping awkwardly, can all cause pain in and around the shoulder blades. While arthritis, heart and lung conditions, shingles, gallstones and even liver disease can manifest as shoulder blade […]

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