Doctor Advice
What Is a Radial Fracture?

The radius and ulna are the two bones of the forearm that connect the elbow to the wrist. The radius is the thicker of these two bones and runs along the thumb side. Interestingly, the radius is shorter than the ulna, and it rotates when you twist your wrist so that it is always on […]
Hip Osteoarthritis

“I don’t bounce back like I used to.” Have you heard yourself say a version of this yet? As we age, previous injuries and wear and tear plague us in new ways. Hips, knees, and backs get achy — sometimes after a favorite athletic activity and sometimes because we’ve been too sedentary. Osteoarthritis (OA) is […]
Do All ACL Tears Require Surgery?
ACL tear surgery repairs or replaces an injured anterior cruciate ligament, which is the band of soft tissue that runs down the middle of the knee and connects your thighbone (femur) to your shinbone (tibia). Partially torn ACLs may not need surgery, but completely torn ACLs cannot heal on their own and require surgical repair […]
What Causes Elbow Bursitis?

Also known as Popeye’s elbow, elbow bursitis has the characteristic look of a bulbous lump on the tip of one’s elbow. Elbow bursitis is caused by a hard blow to the elbow, an extended period of pressure on the tip of the elbow, an infection, or certain medical conditions like arthritis and gout. Most cases […]
How to Heal an AC Separation

We use our shoulders for a wide range of movements. They allow us to raise, swing, bend, and rotate our arms. Thanks to them, we can throw a ball and scratch our noses. Our shoulders are the most flexible joint in our bodies and also the most complex. The flexibility of our shoulders does not […]
Sit Less, Move More

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Sitting is the new smoking.” We sit while we drive or ride public transportation, in movie theaters or while watching tv, during meals and social events, and for many, while we work. According to the Surgeon General’s report, more than 60 percent of Americans do not maintain the CDC’s recommended […]
What Is a Guided Hip Injection?

When you’re in pain, especially chronic pain, the need to feel better can become desperate. A study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management states, “Pain, when it is ongoing and uncontrolled, has a detrimental, deteriorative effect on virtually every aspect of a patient’s life. It produces anxiety and emotional distress; undermines well-being; interferes […]
Flexor Tendon Tear: Symptoms and Treatment Options

The flexor tendons of the hand and wrist are cord-like bands that connect the bones of the fingers and thumb to the muscles in the forearm. These strong and smooth tendons flex or bend your fingers and thumbs as you pick up or grip something. Flexor tendons are like rubber bands. A complete flexor tendon […]
What is a Bankart Lesion?

Surgery isn’t something any of us want, but if you’ve sustained a tear in your shoulder joint called a Bankart lesion, there is a chance you may not be able to avoid it. In order to understand the causes of and treatment for this injury, it’s necessary to first understand the anatomy of your shoulder. […]
Elbow Tendonitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

You’re probably more familiar with elbow tendonitis than you think. Elbow tendonitis — commonly known as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow — is inflammation of the connective tendons that attach your elbow to the muscles of your forearm. Despite their names, anyone can get these conditions, athlete or not. Pinpointing the cause of your elbow […]