
foot pain

Not all pain responds to traditional treatment methods. Even when it does, recovery timelines sometimes feel excessively long for patients who need to get back to their regular routines.  Laser therapy is an excellent treatment option for individuals experiencing chronic foot pain or athletes who need to speed up the healing of a foot or […]


Blame it on Alex Honnold and Free Solo. Or American Ninja Warrior. Or the explosion of indoor climbing gyms and the scores of people leaving the coasts for the mountains. The popularity of rock climbing continues to grow both in the US and worldwide; in fact, sport rock climbing will make its debut at the Summer Olympics in […]

3 Common Causes of Foot Pain from Running

As the coronavirus pandemic has pushed more and more people out of their daily routines, workplaces and gyms, people are taking to the streets in ways they haven’t before. Namely, first-time joggers, gym-goers and bored people everywhere are hitting the pavement in an effort to stay – or get – in shape during quarantine. Running […]

Climbing Foot Injuries – They’re More Common than You Might Think

When it comes to common climbing injuries, climbers suffer primarily from upper extremity injuries. In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine at the NIH, 90% of the 357 participants who climbed regularly reported sustaining an upper extremity injury. Per the study: “Fingers (41%) were the most commonly injured, followed by the […]

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