foot and ankle

ankle tendonitis pain

Tendonitis is a common word, which makes it seem like a simple thing to treat. Its definition is straightforward: Tendonitis is inflammation (“-itis”) of tendons, the strong tissue bands that connect muscle to bone. Its treatment, however, isn’t something that should be glossed over.  While some tendonitis cases respond to consistent home treatment, others require […]

runner's stretch

Running is a demanding sport. Many runners are driven individuals who are passionate about their performance and push themselves to the limits. However, with pushing limits come challenges, including running injuries. Whether they’re beginners or seasoned athletes, runners tend to get hurt. Estimates of the exact number are wide-ranging, but sources approximate 20%-80% of runners […]

Pes Cavus: More than Just High Arches

Typically discovered in children during the first decade of life, pes cavus – or cavus foot – is prevalent in approximately 10% of adults in the U.S.  What is cavus foot? Cavus foot is a condition in which the foot has an arch that is higher than normal. While cavus foot deformity varies in severity from a […]

What is sports medicine? - Heiden Orthopedics

Whether you’re an athlete, a weekend warrior or simply lead an active lifestyle, you will almost certainly suffer from an orthopedic injury at one point or another. A study in the Journal of Athletic Training found that while male athletes had a higher rate of acute injuries, female athletes see a higher rate of overuse […]


Blame it on Alex Honnold and Free Solo. Or American Ninja Warrior. Or the explosion of indoor climbing gyms and the scores of people leaving the coasts for the mountains. The popularity of rock climbing continues to grow both in the US and worldwide; in fact, sport rock climbing will make its debut at the Summer Olympics in […]

How do you know if you have a heel spur? Heel spur symptoms, causes and treatments.

Believe it or not, it’s possible to have a heel spur without even realizing you have one. That’s because heel spurs don’t always cause pain. In fact, many people discover they have a heel spur after undergoing an X-ray for unrelated foot pain and injuries, and according to the Cleveland Clinic, 50% of people with […]

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